Age of Steel

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Tyra looked at the Doctor's back and then at the Cybermen all around then, the screams from the house getting to her. She closed her eyes for a moment, running past the Cybermen and into the building before any of the others could notice. Her eyes darted around, looking around the panicking humans hesitatingly. A familiar scream made her mind flash back to the last time she heard the exact same sound. Tyra shook her head, pushing the memories back.

Over in the corner, boxed in by one of the Cybermen, were her parallel siblings. Tyra bit her lip harshly, thinking about whether she would be able to save them. This whole thing wasn't supposed to happen, so it shouldn't matter whether seven people escaped... Right? Tyra darted forward, grabbing two arms "Come with me," she hissed, shoving them towards the doorway "Go."

"Who are you?" parallel Klaus frowned, eyeing the girl who was standing between his family and the metal man. She seemed familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"There's no time for that," Tyra shook her head "Please, just get out of here."

Elijah looked at the other people who were dying around them "You have to help them too."

"I can't," Tyra murmured "It's too late for them. I'm sorry." She pulled at the two arms she was holding, shoving them towards the only exit that was still free, keeping between them and the Cybermen at all times. Tyra swallowed when her eyes met with someone who was being electrocuted "I'm so sorry."

Outside, the seven Mikaelsons turned to the girl who had saved them "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" she frowned, tilting her head.

"You moved faster than you should have," Finn pointed out "How is that possible?"

Tyra shrugged uncomfortably "Does it matter? Just... Get out of here and stay out of trouble." Before she turned to walk away, she stopped "And lose the ear pods while you're at it."

"Wait," the oldest blonde called out. She was the only person that Tyra didn't know but maybe that was the sibling who was there in her stead. The only thing that she knew was that whoever it was, she looked too much like Esther to be anyone but her daughter "Who are you?"

"My name is Tyra," she told them, running back to where she left the Doctor and the others.

She stepped closer just as the last of the Cybermen got atomised by the golden energy bursting out of the Tardis' power cell the Doctor had taken earlier. Ricky gaped at the non-existent remains of the Cybermen "What the hell was that?"

"We'll have that instead," the Doctor called out "Run."

Mickey froze just as Mrs Moore sounded the van's horn "Wait, where's Tyra?"

"I'm here," she spoke up, walking towards them from where she had been standing.

Jake blinked, pointing from his side to her in confusion "How did you get there?"

"Magic," she joked, wiggling her fingers.

"I've got to go back," Pete mumbled, staring at his home "My wife's in there."

The Doctor caught his arm before she could leave "Anyone inside that house is dead. If you want to help, then don't let her die for nothing." Tyra furrowed her brow, trying to remember whether she had seen parallel Jackie anywhere inside the house. She was sure that she hadn't but then again... She had been more focused on her parallel family "You've got to come with us right now."

"Come on," Mrs Moore called out in annoyance. She looked over her shoulder, rolling her eyes at the group "Get a move on."

Tyra followed Mickey, Ricky and Jake into the van, glancing back at the Doctor and Rose. The former was trying to pull Rose into the car but she didn't move "Rose, she's not your mother," he hissed.

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