Voices behind her made her shiver. They were making fun of her. She took off again, not final destination in mind. All she knew was that she had to get away from their teasing voices and wherever he may have ended up. Her body and mind were on overdrive as she ran the fastest she had in a very long time.

He found me again, she reminded. He was close enough to touch me, to send me a drink and close enough to hurt me if he wanted. And I was close enough to stop this and I let him get away!

Her body took a sudden change of direction even surprising her when it moved across a busy street. All the cars missed her by a long shot, all but a shiny red sports car. Nearly hitting her, it swerved into another lane shouting horrendous things at her.

Ignoring them as much as she could, she climbed onto the sidewalk and pranced farther away.

He was so close. She pictured him in his ugly black shirt leaning like a typical high school bad boy in the pizzeria. How Did He Find me?

It was already eating at her, taking two bites at a time. And To top the realization that maybe he was stalking her, her legs were beginning to grow weak. Physics And Emotional pain didn't mix well for her.

Her legs nearly buckled underneath her even when they slowed from from her sprint. Even then they couldn't hold up much longer. As soon as she was beneath a broken street lamp they gave in and she gave up. Her knees scuffed the ground as she held herself up with her hands.

Tears flowed from her eyes. Breathing was hard to do, it felt like she were choking down milk instead of oxygen. Anxiety sprung into action, breaking her down even more.

All she could do was cry and hope she didn't pass out. Her body slumped down until she was sitting on the cold ground, head hung low in her palms. The very bones in her body ached, feeling as if they could shatter at any moment. I can't do this, I just want to end the hurting.


"Leah!" The familiar engine was only feet away from her, but in the midst of a horrifying panic attack, she could barely see out of her eyes. They were so swollen all she could see were giant headlights nearby. Though her eyes couldn't clarify it, she picked up on the voice rushing to her aid.

"Oh my God, Leah what happened?"

Daniel was knelt down beside her, hands brushing her long sweaty locks from her face. He scanned her face for any damage but couldn't see a scratch. The damage was inside and it hurt more than anything. Her heart felt like it was gonna explode, or just come to a halt. The racking of her pulse and fight for oxygen turned her into a convulsing piece of woman on the sidewalk. She couldn't control it. I can't control anything anymore. Leah cringed and leaned into him, her body too weak to hold itself up. "He found me," she trembled.

Those three words hiccuped from her mouth. At that moment they were the only ones she could get out. She repeat them, each time growing quieter than the last.

Out of Instinct, Daniel squeezed his arms around her, "He's gone now. It's okay." He looked around shooting dirty looks at people passing by, wondering why nobody had bothered to help her. His arms supported her, pulling her from the cold ground and nearly carrying her to his truck.

But she couldn't feel her body anymore. All she knew was she was moving and her heart was a pound away from ending it's song. Her sight cleared slightly beneath the cab light and she realized he had moved her completely to safety. She caught him climbing into the driver side and turning to her sympathetically, "You're okay now Leah."

Those That Slither | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now