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They then saw a passage appear on the holo-screen.

"I have discovered three unique hearts inside of Sora's. One is Roxas. The second has been with Sora for nearly as long. And a third has resided in Sora's heart for even longer—most of his life in fact. This is a truly astonishing discovery. While these hearts have now melded with Sora—grown silent and indistinct—Sora retains the memories of all three. The memories have been compartmentalized—each placed in its own 'box,' so to speak. I surmise the hearts can be awoken, provided that each of them is returned to the box that contains the correct memories. Unite the heart with its memories, and provide it a suitable body within which it may flourish, and I believe any or all three of these people can be made real again."

Sora: Roxas and two more?

Jiminy: who else?

Arcturus: I might have an idea on who else. Thanks for this, Ienzo.

Ienzo: certainly. Take care. (Ends call)

Donald: three different hearts...

Goofy: one of them's Roxas. The other one must be Ventus.

Donald: you're gonna believe what Vanitas said?

Arcturus: he might be as big of a madman as Cronos is, but he has reasons for going after us.

Goofy: Sora, do you know who the third one might be?

Arcturus's Thoughts: that has to be Xion. But, they don't know that yet. Still, we can't leave her behind. (Speaks) I think this is someone who could be connected to Roxas's past.

Sora: what makes you say that?

Clara: well, the passage did say that one of the hearts was there just as long as Roxas. So, they have to be someone connected to him.

Donald: so, what now?

Arcturus: how about a lunch break? We've been busy for the past few days, we should take a breather before continuing.

With that said, the gang heads to the kitchen for a meal.


In the realm of darkness, some time before Mickey and Riku arrived, was Aqua and a man wearing the Organization cloak siting down at the beach shore.

Man: (turns to Aqua) tell me, will you stay here?

Aqua: I can't shake the feeling that these waters touched another shore I've visited. (Both look back at the sea)

Man: the Destiny Islands .

Aqua: (turns back to him) you've heard of them?

Man: yes. They are quite lovely—a far cry from this wasteland.

Aqua doesn't respond immediately and just looks back at the shore and has a small smile.

Aqua: I'm staying. Someone will come for me.

Man: these waters are the in-between of darkness and light, its shores the margin of day and night. They brought you and I together, so why not also you and another?

Aqua: yes.

They stayed in silence for a bit, until they heard footsteps from behind.

Aqua: (turns to them) who's there?

The figure approaching them turns out to be none other then Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.

Man: you...

Kingdom Hearts 3: Dragon War (KH OC Story) [OLD]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin