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/It's a bad day-
-It's a bad day-
-It's a bad day/

How do you have a good day?
How do you not self-sabotage your happiness?

It's supposed to be a good day.
I felt fine. I felt okay. I felt fine.
But I thought too much.
And now I dropped.

How do you have a good day?
How do you have a good day?
How do you have a good day?

I want to relapse
Why do I want to relapse?

Why am I so uncomfortable being okay?
Why am I uncomfortable feeling okay?

Why am I terrified of being happy?
Have I dropped so many times that it doesn't feel like a drop anymore?
Is it really to the point that the drop feels like my regular?

I was okay,
I was fine,
I was having an okay day.

Why did I push myself down?
Why did think until I felt bad?

/Why? What happened? Why?\

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