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Jisoo pov

I woke up and saw that Namjoon was not by my side. I got up from bed and went to see where Namjoon was.

In kitchen, Namjoon was making breakfast. He already had 5 eggs burned and 2 kimchi pancakes and 1 sausage.

" Good morning Namjoon. Here let me do it. " I said while laughing at his Clumsiness.

" Jisoo I am serious I tried my best I don't know when they burnt. " He said... Sulking a bit. I said

"It's okay ... You don't have to make breakfast I am here for you. And if u wanna help me bring me those plates and spoon and set them on table , they are of steel they won't break " I said. 

I bought that specially for this purpose. He breaks things quite easily.

He set them on table and I made breakfast.

" Jisoo , let's go somewhere, like a date " . He said to me.

" A Date?? Okay that's good. It will give us more time. "

" So let's eat this and get ready. " He said. I nodded and ate the food.

I got changed. I wore a nice flare dress with a jacket .

We sat in the car and music playing.

Singing the lyrics of save the last dance for me  ... I really like that song ( I personally recommend it)

Even Namjoon knew about it.
We both sang in unison.

We reached near a lake. It was really beautiful and the trees had peachy pink flowers that looked really beautiful.

" Namjoon... Come fast.... Here take the camera and click a picture for me, I should look beautiful " I said. He took the camera and clicked. The pictures came out good.

We took a walk and sat on the grass. We ordered food as I was hungry.  We had some tteokkbokki and bibimbap for lunch with some chicken. We ate and I overate the food.

" I told u to eat slowly. Still u don't listen, the food was going no where " Said namjoon 

" I know I know, but the food was really delicious I really liked it. "

I smiled, like a silly smile and he flicked my head.

" Oww"
"Get up we need to go to the blossom Festival. ". He said.

" Oh yeah we need to go " I said

We got up and threw the trash in bin .

By the time we went there it was already crowded.

" Oh my god namjoon why is it crowded? " I asked him.

" It's festival silly it's supposed to be crowded. Let's go I reserved the vip seats " He said.

VIP area was less crowded but still made me suffocate. But I still enjoyed the festival.

" Do you like it jisoo? ” . He asked me.

" Yeahh i dooo I really do like it, it's really pretty. " I said.

The festival was really good, people her e and there, couples, children, elderly, family all were here. It came me cozy feeling.

The festival was over. They had some dance and songs etc. I really enjoyed it.

" Wahh, I am now really tired. Let's go home ". I told namjoon and he too looked tired.

" Let's go then " He said , we walked hand in hand. ( don't do that now due to corona)

We ordered from MC Donald's drive thru.

We ate in the car and went home .

We both fell asleep while watching Netflix.. This show was amazing called kingdom. It's really good. We slept like after finishing first season cause it was too addictive.

I saw Namjoon sleeping and soon I too fell asleep.

Guys please be safe it's corona don't move out of house, don't order food from outside, and protect yourself, so that in future we can go to bts concerts. I am also sorry for uploading slow. As I told before I am feeling really down these days. Had some appointment with psychiatrist and still going on, I request you guys to be healthy and mentally too ❤❤❤

Thank you so much for reading my book. I know it's not that good but I'll try my best. ❤


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