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Those words hit me like a loaded truck.
This can't be happening. I can't be pregnant.
And with this jerk impossible.

" Are you sure?? " Said namjoon... He was also so shocked.

" Yes obviously... Aren't you happy, you guys love each other right? " Said the doctor

" No no we are happy right namjoon? " I said.. Eyeing him to nod with me cause the doc cannot know about this.

"Yeah yeah we are... Hehe" He said.

We soon got out and sat in the car.

"What will we do now? "I asked. I was scared. Like we don't live eachother and I am having his baby.

" What do you mean what will we do? Isn't it clear we are not having this child. Abort it. No one will know. "

What the hell. ABORT. Is he serious. Really? How can he be so heartless.

" Are you insane? Don't you have a heart or something. How can u say that. It is your child too. " I said to him.

" Whatever.. I will not take responsibility for it. " Said namjoon.

This is crazy. Really crazy.

"Stop the car namjoon I will get off here " I said.

"Okay. Go " He said and really stopped the car. Omggggg this jerk this fucking jerk I will kill him

I got off the car. And started walking to the direction even I don't know.

I walked and walked
There were many thoughts running through my mind.
First, we spent night then the reporter then met this shitty jerk and now I am pregnant . How can this happen to me ? Why me? I thought as tears were rolling down my cheeks. Soon started raining.
Now I could cry more heartly.. Without any worries of showing tears to anyone.
There were tears of pain and frustration as I walked.

After a while I couldn't feel any raindrop on me . I looked around the rain was still going on... I looked up and saw umbrella. I looked at my back namjoon holding the umbrella.

"Do you wanna die? You are pregnant and you are in rain . If anything happens to you my parents will kill me. Now get on the car. " Said namjoon

I saw him and started to cry more harder on his chest. His hands patting my head. As he lead me towards the car.

" I am sorry for saying those words... I really didn't want to but my head was a mess at that time. Sorry" Said namjoon

What the hell happened to him? Why is he like this and the more shocking thing is he is saying SORRY like S-O-R-R-Y

" What happened to you namjoon? "

"Nothing happened " He said focusing on driving ( joonie can drive only in this story otherwise he doesn't have driving license 🤣🤣)

Namjoon pov

I am not that bad guy. I was just irritated at that time. When she said to drop her off I stopped the car cause I was frustrated. She is actually a good person. Living with her for a week made know her how she is.
Soon when I took off it started raining . She doesn't have an umbrella. I made a u-turn and headed where I dropped her off.
I searched her where she was but only saw strangers running to avoid rain.
I soon saw jisoo all wet from the rain.

I put the umbrella on her . As soon as she saw me she started crying hiding in my chest as I stroked her wet hairs.
Soon we got in the car.

We reached but she was still sleeping. Aww she looks like baby.

I picked her up in bridal style and went to the room told the maid to change her clothes.
I got out and got changed too.

What will we do now? Srsly the guy who did this has to pay for it. This is enough.

"Hey Josh I told you to find that man where is he? Did u find him or not? I want him here as soon as possible or your job is in danger. "

"Mr.Kim jisoo woke up but has high fever. " Said the maid.
I knew this will happen.

I went to the room.
" Go in the rain and get wet . I give you full permission . " I said

"Here I am sick and u telling me to go in the rain. " Said jisoo.

"Take those pills.. And eat don't complain to me about it. You did this to yourself. " I said and went out.

"Give her medicine and some porridge make it a little sweet... She likes it when it is sweet. " I said and went to the office.

Wait a minuteeeeeeeee. What happened to me . How did I know her favourite dishes? And why I caring too much. She is nothing and I don't like her. I thought as I slapped my cheek.

To be continued

I don't know where the storyline is going . I don't know why I wrote this crappy chapter but I am too lazy to remove this too so posting it.

Anyways thank you so much for reading this chapter.

Plzzzz vote and comment.

And u can share any thoughts about this story... Or you can help me write it and I will give credits to you... You guys can give me ideas on how I can write the storyline further.


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