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Jisoo pov

We arrived Hawaii.

We were now in the the room, Hoseok and Taehyung as well as Seokjin was here... Hwayoung too came with us... She still likes taehyung too much.

We went to the restaurant for dinner as we were really hungry...

" Namjoon, will u do a gender reveal? " Asked hoseok.

"We are thinking but jisoo wants it to be a surprise" Said Namjoon.

"Yeah I really want to keep a surprise but at the same time I want to know the gender so that I can buy many things. " I said.

"Ohhhhhh I can't wait ... I want to become uncle really soon. " Said Taehyung.

" Yah jisoo nowadays you don't even call me much... Are you that busy? " Said hwayoung.

" No hwayoung, it's not that... But I really get tired these days and even you don't call me " I said. I am not the only one she also doesn't call me.

Later we ate chicken and rice and left. We were walking when I saw a cotton candy shop. I was going to ask Namjoon for it but he already was there ordering it.

"Cotton candy is his favorite. " Said Seokjin.

I just chuckled and looked at Namjoon trying to eat all the cotton candy.

" Yah get me some too I also want to eat it. " I asked. And all were nodding behind me.

"Buy your own you are not a child. " He said, he is still eating it like no tomorrow.

I ordered it and Hoseok paid for it 🤑 .

We were going to our hotel room.

"Hey jisoo wanna come with me... Let's sleep together". Asked hwayoung.

I looked at Namjoon and he nodded which means a yes.

" Okay let's goooo" I said and left with hwayoung.

Hwayoung pov

I want to know how can she get Namjoon and I still can't get taehyung. Like I also don't lack at anything. Namjoon loves jisoo too much and I can't even get Taehyung's attention.

We reached and went inside.

She was already on bed.
I soon joined her.

" How were you living for these 3 months? " . I asked her.

" I did pretty well, Namjoon was taking a good care of me. I really love him... He changed  alot. "

"Wowwww, you know I like taehyung but he doesn't seem to notice anything. "

"Hmmmm.... Maybe he doesn't like you or he likes someone else.. Or he likes you but he doesn't want to show "

Huh... Who does she think she is? I am way better than her and taehyung not liking me is all rubbish... Like I got nothing less in me.. I am prettier than her , I have nice figure too.. What am I lacking.

" Hmm thanks though.. But what did you do to make Namjoon fall in love.. " I asked.

"I didn't do anything hwayoung, what's wrong with you.. You are acting weird. I never made Namjoon fall in love "

" No like think.. Namjoon who doesn't even noticed you.. Fell in love with you so quickly. You must have did something"

"HWAYOUNG" Said jisoo.

"How can you think like that I never did anything... We just spent night together and I am now carrying his child, I did nothing wrong. How can you my own best friend think like this. Don't you believe me? Hwayoung we have been best friend and yet you think this is all act for money? " Said jisoo.

" Maybe you seduced him... You were lacking money so you may have thought to do this and Namjoon is rich.. His parents adore you ". I said how bitch she is.

Jisoo pov

How can my own best friend think like that.

It was so painful .

" Maybe you seduced him... You were lacking money so you may have thought to do this and Namjoon is rich.. His parents adore you ".  when she said that I lost it.

" HWAYOUNG ENOUGH!!! " I cannot tolerate being wronged here. She makes me feel like a whore.

I was in tears... How can she do this.

I heard a knock , I hoped it was Namjoon.
I really hoped it was him.
Hwayoung opened the door.

" Hi hwayoung... Jisoo you left your- What Happened?? Why are you crying" He said.

With that I broke more seeing his face.. Feeling safe I let out my tears which were in my eyes.

He rushed towards me and hugged me tight.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" He said.

I couldn't say anything as I was crying too much.

"Don't be a crybaby... I didn't even said much to you " Said Hwayoung.

"Did you guys fought?? " Namjoon said. I just nodded while I was crying on his chest.

" She cries on small reason.. She is putting an act on you nothing else, gaining attention " . Hwayoung told Namjoon.

He broke the hug and said.

" You are the one gaining attention, I saw how you were clinging on Taehyung . Se is pregnant have some control over yourself. " . He said.

"Namjoon, I don't want to be here.. Let's not create more scene, let's go to our room " I said while wipping my tears.

" No Jisoo... I need to know what she said, I'll see what we can do , by ignoring it you will also feel terrible and i know that. " Said Namjoon.

"What did you say to her? " Asked Namjoon to Hwayoung.

" I said nothing I was only asking how did she make you fall in love with you " . Said Hwayoung.

"First of all, I fell in love with her, she was ignoring me. Secondly, why would u want to know? "

"I also want Taehyung to give me attention, he doesn't pays attention to me at all." Said hwayoung.

" He will never fall in love with you if you keep on doing this. " Said Namjoon.

Namjoon's phone started to rang. The moment he turned around to accept the call Hwayoung pulled me and slapped me tightly causing me to fall over the corner of the bed hitting my head on it.

"Ahhhhh... " I shouted.

And all turned black in front of me.

Hello guys.. I am not dead yet.. As I go to college so I am not able to update soon. As I like to write everything at once I don't get enough time.

But I hope you like it ❤❤

And LY AND SAY tour is now over 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I really cried on that day and seeing Namjoon cry for the first time was really painful for me to watch. Plz share your experience too.

Plz like and comment ❤❤❤❤❤

Love y'all

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