#74 Bath Time

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You were having the worst stomach pains. No cramps or anything like that Probably just the stomach virus. You had been throwing up all morning and your stomach had finally calmed down because there was nothing left to vomit. Calum had been taking care of you all day and you were grateful. 

The last thing he decided to do for you is run you a bath to soothe your stomach and muscles. You gave him a small, sympathetic smile when he offered this and he ran immediately to the bathroom to run a bath. After about five minutes it was ready and you walked slowly to the bathroom, careful not to disturb your stomach. He walked out of the bathroom as you stripped down and climbed in, sighing with relief as your sore skin had hit the water. You sunk down as you put your hair up in a messy bun and relaxed. You heard a knock at your door,

"Come in." You answered. Calum came in a smiled at you, with a towel wrapped around his body, as he was naked. You looked at him funny and laughed. "Are you joining me?" 

"I sure am. I can’t miss an opportunity to have a bath and especially with my girlfriend." He answered. He took off his towel and climbed in next to you. He pulled you close to him, your naked torsos touching but neither of you cared. He soothingly rubbed your back as you laid against his shoulder, your eyes shut.

"Thanks Cal, this really means a lot." You said.

"Anything for my favorite girl." He answered, as he kissed you on the top of the head.


You came home from a hard day at work. Everything bad that could’ve happened at work happened. It frustrated you that you had the longest and hardest shift, even though you did the most work while all of the other employees did nothing. You walked in the front door of your shared apartment and immediately walked upstairs to the bathroom to run yourself a hot bath. Baths always helped calm you down, in any situation. Whether it was sadness, your body was sore, you were frustrated, had a lot on your mind, or you just felt like it. 

"(Y/N)! Where are you?" You heard your boyfriend call out. By this time you were already in the bath, bubbles surrounding you. 

"In the bathroom!" You answered. He didn’t even respond back, he just came up to the bathroom, as you left the door open. You honestly didn’t care to close it, it wasn’t your top priority.

"Hard day?" You asked as you saw his face. He looked tired, his hair looked a mess, he mouth was in a slight frown, and his eyes looked dull. He nodded.

"Can I join?" He asked. You nodded and smiled. He ran to your shared room and stripped down but wrapped a towel around his lower half. He took his towel off once he reached the bathroom and climbed in right next to you. "This is relaxing. I should do this more often." You smiled at him and grabbed his hand. You both just laid there, in the warm water for the rest of the night. 


You decided that today would be a lazy day for you and Michael. Both of you were off from work and wanted to relax. 

"I’m going to run a bath. Would you like to join?" You asked, as your hair was up in a bun, you had black soffees on, and a white tank top, with a towel draped over your shoulder. He looked up from his phone and nodded, eagerly. You had got into the bath before him, and awaited on his arrival. Once he came in he undressed as quickly as he could and you both sat in the bath in silence, taking the calm moment in. That was until you felt water on your face.

"Did you just flick water at me?" You said, as you opened your eyes to see Michael’s face covered in bubbles. 

"Maybe." He answered, a slight grin on his face. You shook your head laughing, as you flicked some water back at him.

"Oh its on (Y/L/N)." He challenged.

"Bring it Clifford." You answered. He had gotten bubbles all over your face to match him and the bathroom turned into a water park. Water flew everywhere and there was no stopping it anytime soon. This constant war went on until he gave up.

"Okay lets stop." He said laughing. "We aren’t going to want to clean this up so why make it worse." 

You nodded as you laughed along, flicking a little more water at him to gain the victory. He chuckled and you both got out, drying yourselves off as you groaned because you and to clean the bathroom. 


"Babe, come here!" Ashton yelled throughout the house. You ran down from your room to the basement. You saw him sitting behind his drum set, all sweaty. To be honest, it was really hot. "Tell me if this sounds good. I don’t want to mess up on stage."

You listened and it sounded amazing. He had a talent on the drums that you were astounded by. 

"It was amazing, Ash." You told him. He smiled and nodded, as he was out of breath from going so hard. He got up and started to walk over to you with his arms open. You back away with your hands up. 

"You are so sweaty, don’t touch me." You laughed. He smiled even bigger and engulfed you into a big bear hug, as you felt his sweat on your skin. 

"I guess we’re both going to have to shower or bathe together." He said, smirking. You rolled your eyes.

"In the bath, in ten minutes. I have to disinfect these clothes." You said, chuckling a little. Ten minutes later, he was already in the bath and you stripped down in front of his as he stared at your body in amazement.

"You are so beautiful." He blurted out. You blushed furiously and climbed in right next to him, making sure when you used the soap, you got the sweat off of you. 

The rest of the bath, you guys just chatted about what had happened recently, and just cuddled, having an overall good time. 

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