#16 He Picks You Up/Surprises From School

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Credit for chick on tumblr xx


Ashton : "Have you found a date to Prom yet?" Your best friend asks as the two of you make your way into the gym for a school assembly. "I’m thinking about not going all together." You admit. "Is this because Ashton is on tour and he cant go?" She asks knowingly. "I would feel weird going with another guy." You explain climbing the bleachers. "If the roles were reversed you would want him to go with someone." (Y/F/N) says sitting down. You shrug squeezing in next to her. "GOOOOOOD AFTERNOON (Y/S/N)" Your principal yells into the microphone. "BEFORE WE START THE ASSEMBLY WE HAVE A SURPRISE FOR ONE VERY LUCKY STUDENT." You roll your eyes pulling out your phone,knowing it would probably be a lame award for student participation or something. Your phone buzzes as a tweet from Ashton lights up your screen. "About to see my beautiful girlfriend again:))" Your eyebrows knit together knowing they were doing promotions 12,000 miles away. Ooohs and ahs erupt the stadium as some cheerleaders roll out a huge gift box. "Wow the teachers really out did themselves this year." You whisper to (Y/F/N) not wanting Ashton’s tweet get to your head. It was probably one of the boys messing around like usual. "Are you sure its the teachers?" She whispers back,only giving you more false hope. Your phone buzzes again you look down to see a text from ash saying " look up" The crowd goes crazy as you look up to see Ashton standing in the box with a sign that says "(Y/N) Y/L/N) PROM?" You drop your phone and run down to the middle of the gym engulfing Ashton in a hug,gaining awws from your classmates. "I’ve missed you so damn much." You whisper "I’ve missed you too (Y/N)" He says pulling you closer.

Michael: "Aand number 14 is.." Your teacher says in a monotonous voice. You start to drift off to sleep but a buzz from your phone awakens you. A new text from Michael arrived "babeeee come home." Two days ago Michael came home from tour which was great but school had just started for you,so that meant you had other priorities besides Michael. "Rescue me from hell and we can do whatever you want." You reply before dozing off again. "(Y/N)" Your friend whispers shaking you "Shit what did I miss?" You ask. "The principal just showed up and shes talking to our teacher about you." You look up to the front of the room to see your principal and teacher eyeing you. "Miss.(Y/N) can you come with me,bring your things?" The principal asks after finishing the conversation. All the eyes in the room were on you as you walked up to the front of the room. "Your relative will explain when we to the office."  She says when you walk in the hallway. Relative? You wonder walking at the same pace as the administrator. You arrive in the office only to see Michael sitting in a chair with a worried expression on his face. “Mikey?” You ask confused. “Come here.” He says with open arms. “Whats going on?” You ask confused. “I’m your cousin and our grandma is getting worse in the hospital as we speak.” Michael explains whispering in your ear. You nod and break the hug, facing you principal again. “You are free to go (Y/N). Sending the best wishes for your Grandma.” She smiles squeezing your shoulder . “Thank you.” Michael smiles leading you out of the school. “I can’t believe you pulled that off.” You giggle kissing Michael once in the safety of his car. “Well I figured I am way better then hell.” Michael mumbles deepening the kiss. “What are you doing?” You ask pulling away. “You said if I rescue you we can do whatever I want.” “Michael we are still in my school parking lot.” You remind him. “Oh yeah.” He chuckles starting the car.

Calum: “Did you hear about Calum’s new girlfriend?” You overhear some lower class man talking at the table next to you and you couldn’t help but listen in. “I heard that his girlfriend goes here.” You look across the lunch table to your bestfriend alarmingly. You and Calum haven’t exactly gone public yet,it was just known that he had a girlfriend and she lived in your town. She shrugged,also listening. “I think that’s just a rumor,no one is pretty enough to end up with Cal.” You breathe out a sigh of relief and blow off the comment following the statement. “Well we know why they aren’t with Calum.” (Y/F/N) comments smirking.”Be nice!” You laugh throwing a piece of your salad at her. “Its true.” She defends. “Hey this table is taken already.” You look up to see (Y/F/N) talking to a boy with a baseball cap on hiding half his face sitting next to you. “Its me (Y/F/N)” Calum whispers looking up a bit. “Cal! what are you doing here?” You exclaim,getting a couple looks from the surrounding tables. “Keep your voice down (Y/N)” Calum scolds. “I was bored and the rest of the band was busy so I sneaked in.”  He exclaims. “You sneaked in?!” (Y/F/N) yells. “Shhh!” You say kicking her under the table. “You are going to get in so much trouble Cal.” You groan. “Well I wanted to surprise my girlfriend.” He says. “That’s really cute.” Your best friend coos. “That’s not what security is going to think.” You sigh. “I’m not going to get caught (Y/N).”  ”You could have brought food or something.” Your friend mumbles. You kick her under the table again. “Ouch!” “I’ll keep that in mind for next time.” Calum laughs at your childish actions. As the conversation carries on you start to relax a little. “Sir could you take off the hat. No hats on in the building.” A teacher asks passing the table. Calum sighs taking off the hat. “Just keep your head down. You should be okay.” You whisper. “So how has your day be”- CALUM???”” Calum is interrupted by a shriek from the table next to you. “Shit.” You mumble. “Oops?” Calum smiles at you cheeky

Luke:  "We need a single girls night." One of your friends suggests walking out of your last class. "But not all of us would be able to attend." Your other friend says glaring at you. "It’s not my fault!" You exclaim. "Yes it is, your part of the relationship its your fault."  She says. You roll your eyes. "and its not like its just any boyfriend,Its fucking  Luke Hemmings!!" (Y/F/N) yells. "Keep your voice down!" Your cry covering  her mouth. "Why? Everyone knows!" She says prying your hand from her mouth. "Yeah, but I’m still not used to shouting about it."  You blush. "Awww that’s adorable." (Y/F2/N)  squeals. "What is Luke up to anyways?" They ask"He’s still on tour but he’s supposed to be in the area within the next week but he wont tell me when."  "I want a boyfriend." (Y/F/N) whines. "but you know if you had one it would have no comparison to (Y/N)’s relationship." (Y/F2/N) points out. "You guys make it seem like its perfect." You laugh walking out of the school. "because it is!" (Y/F/N) exclaims. "Aw your wearing the sweater I bought you." A familiar voice says behind you. You whip around to meet Luke’s blue eyes staring down at you. "Luke!" You scream dropping your books to hug him. "I missed you so much." He mumbles wrapping his arms around you lifting you off the ground. "I missed you too." You say kissing him. "SEE ITS PERFECT." "NO PDA (Y/N)" Your friends yell from behind you. You unwrap one of your arms around Lukes neck and flip off your friends and deepen your kiss with your boyfriend, 

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