Breakfast on the Balcony

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The golden tray in my hands clinked ever so slightly with each of my steps as I turned the corner of the hallway that lead to the large balcony were Loki had shown me the Asgardian sunset on my first day in this realm. While it had offered the most glorious view of the sun setting over the horizon on that day, the balcony was now cast in comfortably cool shadows this morning. I could see that Fulla had fulfilled my requests of having a small breakfast table set near the balcony's gold railings along with two comfortable chairs.

She'd also apparently delivered my little handwritten note to the king in a timely fashion for Odin-Loki was already standing at the balcony rails waiting for me. His back was to me as he leaned on the railing, looking out over the kingdom below. The gentle metallic clinking and the soft padding sounds of my footsteps must have caught his attention as I approached though, because he turned around to face me just as I stepped out onto the balcony.

A smile grew across his face as he leaned his back casually against the railings, his Odin illusion flickering away to reveal his true form to me. "Now, isn't this a familiar sight?"

"Good morning." I greeted him, matching his smile with one of my own as I carefully placed the tray on the breakfast table, "Feels a bit like déjà vu, right?"

"Indeed." Loki agreed, chuckling lightly as I eagerly waved him to join me at the table. Taking his seat, I could see that his eyes had a brightness and a look of curiosity in them, which made him look younger somehow, "What put you in the mood for this lovely little surprise?"

"I've been a bit nostalgic lately, and I thought that maybe it would be nice to put my hand back to cooking. I was up early anyways and ended up helping the staff in the kitchen, and I thought that it would be nice to invite you to breakfast." I explained quickly, skimming over the part where my nightmares forced me into my early wakefulness. I shrugged casually as I pulled my iris-embroidered shawl up over my shoulders again as a light morning breeze chilled me a bit. Despite the slight chill, I could feel my face warming under Loki's eye, "You're usually the one concocting little surprises that make my day, so I figured it was my turn to do a little something special."

Loki looked well-pleased, though I couldn't help but notice that something in his gaze had grown more... I don't know... focused? Perceptive? Nonetheless, he graced me with a flashing white smile, "Well, I was nothing short of thrilled to receive your note."

Brushing aside my curiosity in the slight change of his countenance, I allowed myself to grow eager again as I lifted the golden cover of the tray, "Let me show you what we made."

The palace cooks had helped me prepare quite a spread for Loki and I. There were pastries of all sorts served with jams, creams, fruits, and sugary glazes and thick slices of the cinnamon sugar bread. There were quiches and bacon and fruit and porridge served with thick pats of butter. As we started eating, I told Loki about how I'd never churned butter before and how one cook or another helped teach me this or that. Loki seemed rather amused by my excited storytelling, though as he listened I couldn't help but notice how his thoughtful eyes were following my movements. It was like he was trying to read my expressions or maybe even my mind.

I had paused my telling of one of my stories while chewing on a particularly flavorful strawberry pastry when Loki leaned forward to ask, "You truly do not sleep very well, do you, Penelope?"

"Hmm?" My eyes widened in surprise at the question for a moment. What had gotten him on that train of thought? Did I look tired? Had my quick mention of how I'd been unable to sleep last night catch his attention? I'd glossed over that comment so as to not incite any questions about it from Loki... I guess he was even more perceptive than I thought... "What makes you think that?"

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