In the Eye of the Beholder

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Mani spun around, slicing another imaginary intruder with his version of a warrior's yell as Sol bounced up and down, clinging to my skirt, making it flutter as she shouted and pointed at another shadow. This is what I always loved about children, their imaginations, their eager joy to play. I grinned, putting the back of my hand to my forehead damsel-in-distress style, playing along when a voice spoke over our laughing shouts.

"My, what a brave warrior we have here."

Heat sparked in my face immediately as I froze in place, embarrassment setting in as I turned in the direction of the regal voice, "Allfather!"

The king stood there dressed in deep blue robes with a trio of obviously entertained servants standing behind him with platters in their hands. Odin's wizened face smiled softly at the children at my sides, his one watery-blue eye glinting amusedly as he spoke to Mani who had bent into a bow, "I must thank you for protecting the castle and my dear companion, the Lady Penelope."

Mani turned his face up to look at me, his eyes wide with his own surprise as he exclaimed, "The lady from yesterday?"

Ah, so he had been at the ceremony yesterday? Come to think of it, he and his little sister hadn't seemed to recognize me at all as we played at troll hunting, even after yesterday's grand ceremony to which all of Asgard had been invited. They must've been in the crowd somewhere further back, so they hadn't been able to get a good look at my face, or they simply didn't recognize me looking more casual. Now that he knew who I was, Mani's surprise was rather palpable. Sol's eyes were wide with wonder too. What did they think of me now that they realized their new play companion was actually one who held a rather high position?

"Indeed. She is supposed to help this old man run the kingdom." The Allfather continued, his voice strangely gentle as he spoke to the children. Loki usually portrayed the king to be stoic, business-like, proper, and regal, but now he'd taken on an almost grandfatherly tone. His one eye flicked up to mine, glinting with a knowing, teasing look even as he kept his tone the same as if he were still talking to Mani and Sol, "What would I do if she were gone?"

Sol seemed to think that the king truly believed we had been harassed by trolls. Her voice was flooded with pride and child-like energy as she spoke up, "Do not worry, Allfather! Mani saved us from the trolls!"

"Sol, shush..." Mani hushed his sister, his countenance taking on a vibe of good manners and it was clear that he was in 'good impressions' mode. Sol gave her brother a confused look, obviously not clear as to why assuring the king that there was no threat was such a bad thing, not realizing anything about talking out of turn or any other improprieties.

"Ah, trolls you say?" the Allfather addressed Sol with a comforting smile trying to wipe away the worry from both of the children as he looked over at Mani again, putting on a faux seriousness, "Have you vanquished them all from the palace gardens?"

Mani blushed a bit again at the reference to game of make-believe, but nodded his head a bit, "Yes, my king."

The Allfather nodded, "Then, I must reward you. Our lunch would have been most disastrous with trolls lurking around." Mani's eyes flew wide open again in surprise at the king going along with the game. The kid's guileless, amazed face brought a chuckle to all the adults as the king continued, speaking to one of the servants that had been following him, "I believe there is a wealth of apple tarts in the kitchens from last night's feast?"

The servant nodded, understanding the king's request as she handed off her platter to another of the servants before offering her hands out to Mani and Sol so she could lead them to the kitchens for their treat. The two children looked at each other in excited awe before rushing to take the servants hand. Almost as an afterthought, Mani turned around, bowing low.

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