The Amour of the Betrothed

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Loki's lips were on mine in an instant, making my eyes fly open wide as I tried to pull away from him a bit, speaking hurriedly between his eager kisses, "Loki... Loki, I'm all sweaty... and gross... I'm all sandy and-"

"Full of surprises." Loki finished for me, a chuckle rumbling through his chest as he leveled his heated gaze at me, "Do you think a little sand would keep me from the most captivating creature in the nine realms?"

His silver-tongued words brought a smile to my lips despite myself. My eyes fluttered closed as our lips met again, happily accepting the concern, the protectiveness, and the love he expressed. His kisses were teasing, pulling me along in a strand of almost frenzied pecks before he'd pull away for just a second, just long enough to make me search for his mouth again before he crashed his lips back to mine, consuming me. It felt like I was melting into him as he pressed into me, our breaths mingling together, and yet it wasn't enough. I wanted him closer.

I slipped my hands from his, caressing the sharp curve of his jaw as I tried to pull him impossibly closer to me. He smiled into our kiss, pleased at my little display of eagerness, his own hands moving from the stone of the column to my hips, slowly moving them up to my waist. I hissed sharply, jerking away from his touch as his hands moved over where Henir's spear had whacked me twice in the side, the pressure of his hand having sent a jolt of pain through my ribs.

"I'm going to kill him." Loki growled, his brow furrowed as he pressed apologetic kisses to my lips, moving his hand back down to my hip.

I broke from the kiss just long enough to murmur, "No, you're not."

"And why is that?" Loki recaptured my lips, stealing my words and my very breath from me for a few seconds before I could regain my thoughts.

"Because I don't want you to." I replied against his mouth, tilting my head back against the stone of the column, meeting his kiss as he loomed over me.

"Hmm," he hummed, his lips curling, lingering on mine in a long, drawn out kiss, "Seems like a good reason to me."

"I know, right?"

Loki chuckled again, renewing the passion of his ministrations, our mouths melding together and parting in a kind of dance. My hands were just moving to the nape of his neck, my fingers brushing the soft locks of his ebony hair when I heard the distant, unmistakable sound of female voices coming from behind me. Loki cursed under his breath in hushed frustration as he heard the voices too, looking over my shoulder and around the large column to see who'd interrupted us. I yipped in surprise as I whipped my head around, looking around the column as well to see a pair of palace servants crossing the bridge Loki and I had crossed just minutes before. They seemed to be a pair of kitchen maids, one of them carrying two sacks of apples, while her companion was trying to shift a heavy bag of potatoes from one of her arms to the other. Panicked at the idea of being caught, I pushed myself from the column, tugging on Loki to follow me around it so that it would block us from the servant girls' view.

"There you are being aggressive again." Loki joked under his breath as I tugged on his shoulders.

"Shh!" I hushed him, placing my hands over his mouth to silence him. His face grew more serious, as the maids approached, their voices louder now. Looking over my shoulder, I watched as the servant girls passed us, completely unaware of us as they headed towards the palace. I sighed in relief as their voices faded in the distance, letting the stress in my shoulders relax. Loki, once more seeming unperturbed and more interested in teasing, peppered the palms of my hands that were still clapped over his mouth with kisses. I tried not to blush at the flirtatious gesture as I pulled my hands away. I could hardly tell if my heart was racing as fast as it was because of Loki or if it was because we'd been that close to being discovered, "That was too close to being caught."

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