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"Thank you for walking me back to my chambers. You really didn't have to do that." I thanked the twins, standing in the hall in front of my chambers' door.

"I would hardly be a gentleman if I didn't escort you to your door, now wouldn't I?" Frey said chivalrously, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips as he dropped into a bow.

"Think nothing of it." Freya echoed, taking my other hand in hers in a friendly grasp, "Shall we be seeing more of you then?"

"Hopefully!" I laughed, smiling at the pair, "I will probably be rather busy until the ceremony, but... hopefully I'll see you both at the feast?"

"Of course, as if we would miss a feast!" Freya giggled, letting go of my hand and looping her arm through her twin's again as she bid me her farewell, "Goodnight then!"


I watched them stroll down the hallway for a minute before turning into my room, yawning heavily as I closed the door behind me. This evening had been so different than what I'd imagined when Loki had mentioned that I was also invited to the dinner meeting with the twin ambassadors, but it had been a good evening. Frey and Freya's friendliness was like a balm to me after the cold shoulders and thinly-veiled dislike that I felt from many of the other Asgardian courtiers. It had been so nice to just talk with them and savor the cool night air, but, even now I wondered about Loki. What had happened to him?

I remembered the look in his eyes. I'd seen it before, back when we had both still been in New York. It was the same look Loki had given to the guy that had been talking with me in the ice cream parlor. Loki's emerald orbs had looked like the basis for the saying 'green-eyed monster'. Jealousy. In that moment that I'd caught his expression, I'd realized that Loki'd been planning something for him and I this evening, and yet... he still relinquished me for the night.

I was sort of grateful for it even if it meant both of us sacrificing our time together. I needed friends here on Asgard besides him, allies in this new realm where I was seen as lesser because I am Midgardian, and I suppose he realized that and let me go. Still, I wondered what his plans for us had been? I would have to ask him tomorrow. He'd mentioned that we'd have more lessons together in the afternoon tomorrow that would consist of going through the steps of the upcoming ceremony.

Strangely enough, tomorrow afternoon seemed like such a long time to go before I saw Loki again. For a year, Loki and I had been separated, only able to talk once every few months. I'd gotten used to that, but now... now I could barely stand going eighteen hours or so without seeing him. Had I gotten so used to his presence that quickly?

I sighed to myself, stepping away from my door and into my living chamber, starting to pull at the cream wrap, unwinding it from my shoulders and torso as I headed to my bedchamber. Reaching of the door handle to my bedchamber, I froze, my ears perking and my muscles tensing.

What was that sound?

It had sounded like something had dropped on the other side of the door. I held my breath, placing my ear against the door, listening intently. Were those footsteps?

Someone was here. An intruder? My mind played out a half dozen scenarios, none of them ending well. I had to take action.

My hand flew down to where I'd clipped my silver device, giving it a click. For the first time in a while, it felt, the electric energy jolted up my arm and throughout my body. I could feel the energy even crackling behind my eyes and across my skin.

"Who's there?" I called, making my voice firm and steady, demanding a response.

There was no response, the room had gone completely silent. I waited a few more seconds, giving whoever this intruder was the opportunity to announce themselves. There was no response however. They knew they'd been found out and now they were probably hiding. Well, I'd have to find them out then.

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