The Pomp and Circumstance of a Trial

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"Lady Penelope!"

My throat tightened as I heard my name announced, introducing me with solemn grandeur. Even though I felt like I was choking a bit, I reflexively straightened my back and strode through the doors of the grand ceremony chamber where I had been officially appointed as a lady of the court only a month ago. The chamber was just as immaculate as it had been on that day, though the atmosphere was far heavier now than it had been then as I made my way down the long crimson rug towards the huge golden throne. Citizens filled the chamber, though their expressions weren't eager or curious, but were instead serious, matching the occasion.

The trials.

I could feel my dangling opal earrings swaying with each of my steady strides since my blonde hair had been tied up in a kind of upside-down braid that was then twisted into a braided bun. My shoulders were practically forced back into a confident, almost militant position due to my gown which had a wide, armor-like collar of bronze metal that crisscrossed up my neck and down over my shoulders and chest before running down my cleavage to create a metallic corset around my bodice. The bracers surrounding my wrists were of a matching metal with a similar crisscrossing pattern etched into it, making me look even more warrior-like. The pale fabric of the gown swished around my legs as I steadily approached the golden stairs of the dais where the king's throne sat.

Dignified and beautiful as Greek marble statues, eight of the royal courtiers stood along either side of the stairs like sentinels in full regalia. I immediately recognized Lord General Tyr standing near the top of the stairs with his scar that disappeared into his neatly trimmed greying beard. Across from him stood a woman with a scar marring her otherwise perfect face that I recognized to be Lady Hariasa. Lord Mirmir, with his white beard and hooked nose, stood a few steps below her and a few steps above a dark-skinned woman who I figured was Lady Var, goddess of contracts who would be in the role of scribe for the trials. Lady Eir, the head healer of Asgard, stood a few steps below Lord Tyr, and standing below her, in a chest plate that had been wrought to look like fish scales, stood Lord Njord, god of the seas.

Standing at the bottom of the stairs to my left was Lord Foresti, who was the head judge of Asgard. He dealt with most trials that Asgard's citizens needed; however, some matters were too much even for him and required the ultimate judgement of the king, hence these rare grand, public trials. He nodded his head formally to me as I passed him to alight up the dais's stairs. Coming to stand at the top of the dais beside the golden throne, I turned around to face the crowd of citizens. Gazing over the Asgardians' watching faces I took a deep, steadying breath, folding my hands over my lap,

I had barely taken my place standing beside the throne when the announcer's voice rang out over the chamber again, "His Highness, Odin the Allfather!"

The doors opened once more, this time revealing the king of Asgard. He strode down the crimson walkway with authority, his golden eyepatch and armor gleaming in the mid-morning light streaming into the chamber. His robes were of gold and bronze fabric making him look like he was wearing liquid metal. His helmet looked more regal than any crown could have. I watched him approach the dais and walk up the stairs with an unrivaled air of dignity.

His one watery blue eye locked with mine for just a second as he came to stand before his throne. I could just barely see Loki in that flawless disguise of Odin. Was he nervous about being the judge of such a weighty trial? I couldn't blame him if he was. His decree would be the ultimate word on justice in today's court cases. If he ruled incorrectly, who knew what kind of criminals he might be pardoning. That was a lot to have riding on one's shoulders! I offered him just the slightest smile of encouragement and solidarity as he swept his rich crimson cape behind him and turned to face his citizens.

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