Challenge Accepted

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"I accept." The words flew from my lips almost on their own, whipping out before my mind could have the chance to overthink.

"Excellent." Tyr's smile was not kind. It was the smile of a man who's target had just stepped into his laid trap. He turned from me, seeming to expect me to follow him as he took a step out from under the arch and into the sunlight, his armor shining into my eyes. His confidence made my clenched fists tighten all the more.

"Don't misunderstand me, my lord. I'm not playing your game here." I spoke to his back, my voice defiant, "I am proving my own point."

He paused, turning his shoulder just a bit to look at me, obviously doubting my words, "Oh, are you now?"

"This challenge of yours will not prove my character to you, nor will it dispute all your claims. I will have to work hard to show you and the rest of Asgard exactly who I am, but this challenge will make one thing very, very clear to you." I clarified, standing my ground as I held his gaze.

He lifted a mocking brow, "And what is that?"

"That you don't know me at all and you have no idea what I'm capable of." I stated plainly, watching as a flicker of surprise flitted over Tyr's scarred features. Still riding on this wave of confidence born from my utter indignation, I made a solemn declaration, "You'll learn not to underestimate me, General."

He chuckled darkly, another sneering smirk playing on his mouth as he turned and strode away, "We shall see about that."

As soon as his back was turned, my whole body deflated as my confidence fled from me. My heart raced as I cursed myself. What the heck did I just say? That was a lot of loud talk to a battle-seasoned Asgardian General who'd been fighting for centuries before I was even born for a woman who had not trained in a couple weeks! What if I made a fool of myself like Tyr expected? No, I couldn't let that happen. I had to prove the strength of humanity, the strength my mom and dad had, the kind that Grams and Grumps had, the kind that Natasha and Steve and Tony and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had. Taking a deep breath, I composed myself again into a lady, my face devoid of the panic and anger that was swirling within my mind as I followed after the lord.

"Attention!" Tyr bellowed into the swarm of sparring warriors, capturing their attention in an instant. In a moment weapons were lowered or sheathed, and they were standing at attention where they were, looking with expectant confusion to their commander as he continued to speak, "Warriors, the pride of Asgard, let me introduce you to Lady Penelope, the companion to the Allfather." Tyr proclaimed, waving one hand grandly to me as I came up beside him. Many in the crowd bowed their heads respectfully, though their faces were still confused. "As you know from her recent ceremony, the Lady was a warrior on Midgard. She came to the training grounds today out of curiosity to see how Asgard compares to the might of Midgard. I have coaxed her into testing her mettle in a one-on-one sparring match where she shall stand as Midgard's champion."

Surprise replaced most of the confusion in the einherjars' faces. My own expression shifted into one of surprise as well. I had not realized that our duel would be so public. The last thing I wanted was for this to become a spectacle, though I supposed that Tyr would want as many people to see me look weak and defeated as possible so he would have plenty of witnesses to confirm that my 'story' about being a warrior was a lie.

"Making it rather public, huh?" I grumbled softly enough that only Tyr could hear me, "If I am the champion of earth, that would make you Asgard's champion?"

Lord Tyr's mouth twitched into a small, haughty smirk that was partially hidden by his grey-tinged reddish beard as he looked down at me from the corner of his eye, "No. I am no fool. The king would have my head if I should attack his pet, and besides, I do not wish to be crueler than I have been."

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