Duel of Willpower

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Henir and I stood facing each other in the center of the sparring area. As I waited for our signal to start, I tried to focus on my breathing, trying to calm down the anxious beating of my heart as it echoed like drums in my ears. I just had to get in close to avoid the spear... I'd figure it out from there. It was like sparring with Nat again. Training. I just had to be clever, use my strengths to my advantage, use his weaknesses against him.

A long, drawling note sounded from the training horn.

I bent my knees, preparing myself for an attack as I gave my device a click. I'd turned it up to a higher level and I could feel the electrical wave of energy flood up my arms and thrum through my body. As I breathed deeply, I imagined the energy flowing from my device through my skin and into my muscles. I could feel the vitality of the strength as my cells bolstered themselves.

Henir watched me closely as we started circling each other. He swirled his spear once in a circle with one hand before gripping it with both, looking confused and curious as I hooked my device back onto my belt. Holding up my hands up in loose fists, I dared him to make the first move with my eyes, but he just shook his head, turning the point of his spear down as he took a step back.

"I thought I told you not to go easy on me, surrendering is going easy."

He shook his head more vehemently, "I apologize. I cannot fight you without a weapon."

"I am not unarmed." I tapped my device, reminding him of it.

"That is no weapon, and there is no way you're going to beat me with just your fists. I will not be held responsible for hurting you, milady, especially if you cannot properly defend yourself." He insisted, looking off into the crowd, probably trying to spot Lord Tyr so he could forfeit before our match even truly began. "I do not fight defenseless women."

I furrowed my brow. He really thought I was that weak or was he just being cocky thinking that there was no way I could beat him? Did he think that I was lying about my training as well? He wouldn't even give me the chance, the benefit of the doubt. Refisting my hands, I spaced my feet out, giving my pose a steady foundation, "Usually I would say that it's good not to hit girls, but I would also warn you not to underestimate them."

He tilted his head back towards me, obviously confused by my words, "Pardon, milady?"

"Who ever said that I couldn't defend myself?"

My question had barely left my lips before I leapt towards him aiming a punch at his nose. His eyes flew open wide as he stumbled back a step, leaning backward just enough for my fist to miss and brush him roughly across the cheekbone as it flew through the air. Before he could react to defend himself, I brought my arm back tightly towards my body, ramming him sharply in the side with my elbow. He doubled over to the side, grasping at his side with a grunt.

He lifted his eyes to me in shock, taking note of the incredible strength behind my jab no doubt. The crowd around us was stunned into silence by my move and the impact it had had on Henir. Already I was proving to be more of a wild card than they'd expected.

I swished my foot through the sand, bringing it behind me to move a bit so I would have more room to throw another punch, but Henir was quick, bringing his spear up across his body to block me from it, thrusting the bar against my stomach to knock me back.

My breath puffed out in an 'oof' and I stumbled back a bit. My arms had been guarding my chest and my forearms had taken the brunt of the blow. He'd only pushed me back away from him, keeping me out of reach, but not doing anything that would even bruise me. I rolled my shoulders as we started circling each other again. I waited for him to make the next move, to actually engage me, but he didn't, eyeing me warily. Why wouldn't he fight? Was he not taking me seriously?

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