Lord Frey and Lady Freya

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"Ah, Penelope." Loki greeted me, disguised as the Allfather. His illusion cloaking his true form from even my eyes as I stepped into the dining hall to see him standing with the two people who I assumed were our host and hostess, the Lord and Lady Frey and Freya.

For a second, I wondered if Loki was showing me the form of Odin so that I would not accidentally slip and refer to him as anything besides King Odin. I tried to look confident as I walked smoothly over to his side, dropping into my practiced curtsy, one hand held over my heart, "Allfather."

"Let me introduce you to Lord Frey and Lady Freya of Vanaheim." The king said in his smooth, diplomatic voice tinged with age as I rose from my curtsy. He waved to the pair of ambassadors and I bobbed into another curtsy to them. They returned gesture, their movements far more graceful than mine would ever be.

"Pleased to meet you." I said politely, standing back up straight and raising my eyes to them, allowing myself to inspect them for the first time since I entered the room.

They were exquisite-looking people, like no one I had ever seen before. The brother and sister, for indeed no one could doubt that they were twins, had smooth, olive complexions; dark, slanted eyes; thick eyelashes; and long, wavy straw-blonde hair. They were both beautifully shaped, with gentle features that seemed reminiscent to me of Asian-esque traits, which seemed to contradict the paleness of their hair. The brother, who stood taller and broader than his sister, had skin that was far more tanned and his hair was sun-bleached to a paler hue. His features were just a bit more rugged and masculine, and his sister's figure was curvier and her hair much longer and plaited in an Asgardian-esque hairstyle. Besides that, they were identical in their exotic, supernatural beauty.

Their clothing was glorious too, different than the Asgardian fashion, though just as exquisite. They both stood there in robes that also reminded me of Asian-esque design, though on a much grander scale. Frey's robes were a brilliant shade of green with a high collar and draping sleeves, a wide belt of brilliant gold silk was wrapped around his flat stomach, a large sword hanging at his side in an ornate scabbard. Freya was in a similar robe with a lower neckline and a collar that crisscrossed over her chest. Hers was a muted shade of gold that I imagined reflected the color of wheat that was ready to harvest, and her belt was of shades of almost water colored orange and red. The most stunning thing about her outfit though, was the huge golden necklace she wore that was dripping in golden beads and precious orange and red stones. The necklace caught the light, almost making it look like her throat was decorated by flames that had been hardened into gemstones.

I admit that I was stunned as I looked upon them, my mouth drying as I suddenly couldn't figure out what else to say to these immaculate people! It would be like talking to the Queen of England when she was dressed in all the royal jewels or to a god from old Greek or Roman myths or something! Was I supposed to say anything anyways or was it not my place?

I did not have to wait long for an answer before Lady Freya's lips parted in a wide, strangely child-like grin as she stepped towards me, her dark eyes sparkling in interest, "Ah, so you are the Midgardian maiden!"

"We have heard quite a bit about you." Her brother agreed, reaching out and taking my hand to place a cavalier kiss upon it while I stood otherwise stock still in surprise. Some of Lord Frey's polite elegance slipped away into a boyish smile as he looked me directly in my eyes, "You've caused quite a commotion around here it seems."

"Have I?" I asked, trying to find my voice, stunned by their direct words and open... friendliness. Their sudden transformation was like looking at the famous, polite, and demure Mona Lisa only for Mona to suddenly be grinning from ear to ear. There was still elegance and propriety about the lord and lady, but something energetic had infused itself into them. Besides that, the statement that I was causing 'commotion' startled me. I had hardly seen anyone since arriving... had I really made some sort of scandalous scene by merely being here? I would be horrified if that were true!

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