Chapter Seventy-Nine ~ Logan

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{Possible trigger warnings: minor swearing

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"Can I ask you guys a question?" Virgil asked as the group sat around the living room with boxes of Chinese takeout.

"No guarantees we'll give you nice answers." Roman stabbed a chopstick in his general direction. "I'm still mad at you about the Halloween thing."

Virgil rolled his eyes and looked at Logan. "I'll ask you then."

Logan set his takeout box down. "If I can be of help I will try to answer your question concisely and accurately."

"Boooo." Roman threw a wadded up napkin at his face. Logan batted it away.

"How long do you guys think we'll be in this apartment together?" Virgil asked, glancing at Patton and Roman before returning his attention to Logan.

"Well." Logan paused, thinking. "We've been here for almost two years now. A lot of things have happened, there have been ups and downs... I would say I could see us living here until Roman and I got married-"

"Aww, babe!"

Virgil made a gagging noise at Roman, then pulled his feet up underneath him in the chair. "So maybe for a long time."

Logan shrugged, glancing at the other two. "I really don't know, Virgil. Different circumstances may lead us in different ways, and we might not live here as long as we thought we would."

The room grew quiet for a few moments, then Patton paused and looked at Virgil.

"Why do you ask, kiddo?"

Virgil ducked his head and stared solidly at his food.

"Virgil?" Logan leaned forward a little bit.

"It's nothing it's not a big deal." He stuffed a mouthful of noodles into his mouth and looked up at them.

"Spit it out, Doom-bledore." Roman grinned. Logan elbowed him subtly.

Virgil stabbed his food a few times with his chopsticks, then left them sticking out of his takeout box and set it down on the coffee table.

"Emile asked me if I wanted to move in with him."

Logan nodded, understanding immediately. "Have you given him an answer yet?"

He shook his head. 

"Well Virgil, if you would like to move in with your significant other I have no argument against it. He is your boyfriend, and we are just the roommates you have tolerated for the past two dozen months."

Virgil looked up at him. "I think I've enjoyed a little more of your company than what warrants tolerance."

Logan shrugged, picking up his food again. "It's your decision, Virgil, but I wouldn't mind whichever way you decided to step."

"I say do it." Roman chimed in, waving his chopsticks around in the air. "You love him, you love his cats, we're annoying as hell and everyone moves out sometime."

"You are annoying as hell, I'll agree to that." Virgil smirked a little.

"I think you should do it too." Patton chimed in, quieter than usual. Logan looked in his direction curiously.

"Remy and I have been house-hunting." He said after a few moments. "We have a few picks that we like better and we might have a decision within a few weeks."

Logan nodded. "It would happen eventually. We are all adults, and adults eventually take their leave from arrangements like this for other accommodations."

"We'll probably stay here forever though." Roman grinned, leaning against him. "Here to annoy your cousin for eternity."

"I firmly believe that Thomas will sell this entire complex after three years of having to deal with you." Logan chuckled, kissing his boyfriend's forehead.

"Yeah it's a miracle that Logan even tolerates you." Virgil smirked.

Roman threw a fortune cookie at his head. Virgil batted it away with a laugh.

"We'll never stop being friends though, right guys?" Patton asked, looking at them.

"Of course not!" Roman shook his head. "No matter how far away we are from each other, I'm always going to be around to make one of you look pretty if you need it."

"Or to make me look like a giant zombie bug thing." Virgil added. "That Halloween video was awesome."

"It was, wasn't it? I still haven't forgiven you though."

Virgil stuck his tongue out, then turned to Patton. "Okay, now tell us about the houses you looked at. Did you find any skeletons in any closets?"

"Oh gosh, no! But there was this one house with a gorgeous balcony on the second floor and..."

~~~ Three Hours Later ~~~

"I am really happy for them."

Logan glanced at Roman, who was cuddled against him and working on a video while he read a book.

"I am." Roman continued, his hands resting on the keyboard but not moving. "I just... I don't know. I think I'm gonna miss them."

"I'm sure you will, darling. I will as well." Logan set the book down and put his arms around Roman's shoulders. "However, I doubt they will ever stop showing up in our lives, living with people like this creates a connection to them. Patton will be calling you up within a month, suggesting some sort of ridiculous video that could get one or both of you injured."

"And Virgil?" Roman looked up.

Logan smiled and kissed his head. "Look how far you've come with him. He hardly spoke to you."

"I was an a**hole."

"Perhaps. But you two made amends and now you are on the same page as two sparring siblings." Logan picked his book up. "Life runs its course, sweetheart, and people leaving is a part of that. But the memories won't leave you, and I doubt they're moving far right now."

Roman sighed and nodded, closing his laptop. "I never would have guessed we'd make such a chaotic little family from answering a housing ad."

"I had anticipated shenanigans, but I hadn't expected this." Logan shook his head, pulling Roman closer. "It's a wonderful happenstance."

"It was fate." Roman declared. "The universe decided we needed to meet each other and be idiots together."

"I'm not sure I believe in fate, but I suppose that there had to be something."

Roman hummed quietly and Logan turned a page in his book, making a mental note to stop at the next chapter.

It would be a bit sad having Virgil and Patton move out, but they wouldn't be gone forever. And perhaps he could rent their rooms out to others, see what new dynamics were created by these changes.

Life would go on. Logan was very confident in that.

[Pssst... The next chapter is the last one...]

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