Chapter Sixty-One ~ Virgil

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{there's a lot of really serious stuff in this chapter (which is why I didn't post it on Christmas, it was bad timing) and I just want to talk about it for a moment. First of all, you might recognize the situation that Virgil talks about. I'm not trying to make light of it, it was and still is a very serious thing, and I don't want to offend anyone. It was something that affected me greatly and it affected quite a lot of people similarly, especially the people who were involved in it. There's more about it at the end}

{Possible trigger warnings: crying, swearing, talking about a car crash, drunk driver, hospital mention, accident

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

Virgil sat down at his desk, feeling like he was going to throw up. He stared at his screen, at the video he was editing through.

He knew he had to do it. Checking his phone before shutting it off, Virgil pulled up his voice recording software. 

He recorded the part for before the video first, holding himself together through pure force of will.

"Hey everyone, I had to make a little comment before you watch the video. When you hit play and you start listening, it might be a bit of a shock to you. I've got a full explanation at the end of the video, but you should watch the video first and enjoy it before we get to the serious stuff... enjoy."

A deep breath. In for four seconds, hold for seven, out for eight.

Virgil scrolled through the video. He'd been almost done with it when he got the news, and he'd had to walk away from his computer to process it.

Someone knocked on his door and Virgil looked up sharply, glaring at it.

"Who's there?"

"It's Patton."

Virgil sighed heavily and put his head on his arms. "Come in."

He heard the door open and quiet footsteps shuffled up to his desk.

"You okay, kiddo?"

"I feel like sh*t."

For once, Patton didn't yell at him for his language. Instead he pulled over the other chair and sat down next to Virgil.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not yet." Virgil sighed, slowly lifting his head. "I've got to get through this first."

"Don't push yourself too hard." Patton advised gently. "Take a break if you need to."

"I just took one, and if I don't finish this now and start exporting it I'm going to have a breakdown while putting the final pieces together."

Patton sighed and stood up, leaning over to kiss the top of Virgil's head. "Come out and find me when you're done, okay?"

Virgil grunted and waited until his roommate left the room before he let out a shaky breath.

He went to the end of the video and began to record again.

"So you all heard the note at the beginning of the video. I'm sure a lot of you know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to give you the information I know and am allowed to share."

Virgil closed his eyes as he talked. "Most of you know who Carson is, he's been around since the beginning of this channel. He's pretty much my best online friend, and he's the only person who's played on this channel who knows my name, other than my roommates. He knew my face way before anyone else."

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