Chapter Nine ~ Virgil

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{Possible trigger warnings: swearing (censored at my discretion)

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}


AmethystHailstorm uploaded: AmeTalk - New Space (Solitaire)

"Commentary about the past two weeks, explaining why I haven't uploaded. Playing Solitaire so I can keep my train of thought from derailing. You all know the drill."


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Ame: 'Sup Hailstones. Before I get started I just want to say sorry for not uploading these past weeks. I've had a lot going on that I needed to focus my whole attention on. Now I'm through it all and I owe you an explanation, so here it is.

[Game loading and opening]

Ame: The last video I uploaded was one of the rare videos where I played with other people. When I finished editing that and got it loaded to publish, I realized I hadn't mentioned what was coming. A lot of you saw my tweet...

[Tweet displayed onscreen: "Forgot to warn you, I'm not going to be able to upload for a week or two. Watch my socials for updates."]

Ame: That got a lot of attention. Probably because I don't tweet much. I tried to post updates, but I usually forgot or put it off until another update should have been posted anyway. After a week I think I posted something, but that was it.

[New Game]

Ame: The reason I haven't uploaded the past two weeks is because I was moving.

[Deck shuffling, cards dealt]

Ame: As a lot of you know, I've lived with my sibling and their spouse for almost three years. They offered me a room when my parents told me I needed to move out, and were extremely accommodating.

[Ace of Diamonds moved to Diamonds Foundation placement, King of Spades moved to empty placement]

Ame: Basically, they put up with a lot of sh*t. My sh*t, to be specific. They said they were fine with it, but I didn't want to cause more problems than I already have. I know I play quiet, but they were starting to get the occasional noise complaint.

[King of Spades line stacked from King to 7]

Ame: I started looking for a new place over two months ago. It was really hard to find somewhere that would work with my schedule and habits, since I'm pretty much an insomniac and never leave my room.

[Ace of Clubs moved to Clubs Foundation placement]

Ame: The nice thing about it was that I was working with one of my friends for it. He was looking for a new place too, and we knew if we could find something together that we could at least lean on each other while we learn to adult properly.

[Queen of Hearts line stacked from Queen to 9]

Ame: I found a listing for an apartment looking for three tenants and sent it to Pat, he messaged the lister and set up a tour. The guy was pretty reserved, but seemed nice enough. He was smart enough to know which room of the apartment I'd want if we moved in.

[Diamonds Foundation stacked to 4]

Ame: Oh sh*t wait-

[4 of Diamonds moved to 7 of Clubs stack, 3 of Spades stacked on]

Ame: Okay, um- right, so we toured the apartment. Nice place, I could see myself living there. Pat liked it. We told the lister we were still interested and he told us he would be in touch when he made a decision. He set the end of the week as his deadline, so Pat and I went home and waited.

[Ace of Spades moved to Spades Foundation placement, stacked to 3, 4 of Diamonds stacked on Diamonds Foundation placement]

Ame: We got a message two days later. Logan accepted our offer, as well as one other guy's. I uploaded the Dead Realm video the next afternoon, the one that I should have tacked my explanation onto.

[Queen of Hearts stack moved to uncovered King of Clubs]

Ame: Pat and I helped each other pack, which made it a lot easier to get everything done. I had to work on the day we were set to move in, but afterward I headed over to spend the night in our new place.

[Ace of Hearts moved to Hearts Foundation placement]

Ame: I met our other new roommate, which was... an experience. Slept on an air mattress for two days, then my things came in the little moving truck that we rented.

[Hearts Foundation stacked to 3, Spades Foundation stacked to 5]

Ame: And now we're all settled. I've got the smallest room, Logan got that right, and his room is next to mine so it's fairly quiet on this side of the apartment. Pat and Roman are in the rooms on the other side of the living room.

[King of Hearts line stacked to 8]

Ame: Now the really interesting stuff starts, because all four of us are YouTubers. I'm the odd one out, because I'm the only one who isn't a vlogger of some sort. If you want an apartment tour, I'm sure one of the others will be doing one soon and I'll leave links to their channels down below, I guess.

[Diamonds Foundation stacked to 7]

Ame: I think Pat is the most likely to do a tour like that so I'd suggest checking his first. It's not up as of when I'm recording this, I'll leave a note on screen if that changes.

[Final card revealed, Jack of Diamonds]

Ame: This is going to be a really interesting apartment. We're all very different, and there's a lot that's going to be going on because of our work schedules. I should be able to get back to uploading regularly though, because I've got everything set up. I might do a video showing my setup, leave a comment if you want that.

[All cards stacked into 4 Kings lines, autocomplete button appears]

Ame: As always, suggestions for games to play are welcome.

[Autocomplete sequence runs]

Ame: Wow, one game, one video. That worked out pretty well. Hope you enjoyed, like and subscribe, ring that bell or whatever YouTube does now, see you in the next storm.

[Black screen, annotations for suggested videos appear. Remix of Dorothy's Missile plays as an outro song]


Next Video?


{Let me know what you think of this chapter because I was trying to figure out a way to put their actual videos into the chapters. I like this style but if y'all have a problem with it I can probably figure something else out. There will be chapters about them making videos as well but those will be Third Person following the chapter name style like the regular chapters}

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