Chapter Seventy-Five ~ Logan

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{Possible trigger warnings: swearing, yelling, arguing (it's not bad arguing, more like debating)

This chapter has major My NEGATIVE Thinking vibes and I enjoyed writing it at 11 at night lol

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"What are your opinions on Skyrim?" Logan asked, leaning against the kitchen counter as his roommate shuffled into the room.

Virgil stopped, blinking a few times, and looked over at the oven clock. "Uhh. Can you give me twenty minutes to transform into a normal human?"

Logan snickered and sat down at the counter. "Of course, take your time."

He sipped his coffee as Virgil wandered around the kitchen, letting him get through his normal morning routine.

"Where's Patton and Roman?"

"Roman had an early meeting with a makeup brand for a PR scenario, and Patton went to visit his mom. I don't have anything to do at the moment, and was hoping to engage in a friendly debate."

"I don't do friendly debates too well but I'll definitely offer it." Virgil shrugged, sitting down with a bowl of cereal. 

Logan chuckled. "Friendly is negotiable. If you're up for it... we could always use the podcast setup for other things."

Virgil paused and looked at him. "I'm listening. What are you suggesting?"

"Have you ever played any improv games that involve following a train of thought at random?" Logan asked him, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Maybe one or two. Not long term, I dunno. Why?"

"Well." He paused and sat up a little bit. "We are the two more logically minded of the house. We could potentially start a second podcast where we debate whatever comes to mind, each choosing a side at random and arguing it as long as we can."

Virgil paused, tipping his head. He stuffed a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

"Probably wouldn't hate it."

"Want to at least try? We can record the podcast without sharing it live, then post it later depending on how it goes."

"You're not gonna get mad at me though like Roman did back then, right?" Virgil looked up at him.

Logan frowned at him. "No, of course not. The point of a debate is to separate current feelings or connections you have to your arguments from your real self. You can be angry and yelling and throwing sh*t against the walls, but when it's over it's over."

"Theraputic." Virgil quipped, finishing his cereal. "Yeah, I'll take you up on that. Give me twenty minutes to figure out if there are any debate topic generators so we can just go at random."

"Alternatively, we could take a list of video games and use a random number generator." Logan suggested. "It would appeal to your line of work, and I'm not lacking my own knowledge."

Virgil paused, then grinned. "I like that idea. I'll be back in a few minutes." 

"Just meet me in there." Logan nodded. "I'll get everything set up."

He went into the room where they recorded the podcast, shifting the microphone stands around so there were just two closest to the recording equipment. Using the computer they usually used for questions, he searched for a list of random video games.

"You ready to get yelled at?" Virgil walked in, setting a can of soda on the table. "I'm here to be loud and aggressive."

"Sounds like you're football game material." Logan nodded to the other chair. "I set it up with you across the table from me so if it gets aggressive neither of us are right in each other's faces."

"Good idea." Virgil nodded. "What are we starting with?"

"I'll tell you once I have it recording." Logan tapped at the equipment. "Ready?"


"Three. Two. One. Hello everyone, this is a special edition podcast, and potentially the first of many." Logan spoke into the microphone. "I'm here today with my roommate Ame, and we have the apartment to ourselves."

"So we're gonna yell at each other for a while." Virgil interjected, cracking the soda open. "Can't wait for this."

"You sound genuinely excited right now, which both amuses and sort of terrifies me." Logan looked up at him. "Let me explain what's going on right now, then we can get into the screaming match."

"Hell yeah. Can I swear on this one?"

"It's just us, go for it." Logan nodded. "For anyone listening, this is going to probably be an intense podcast. Ame and I are going to pick random topics and argue about them until we can't think of any more points.

"I guess we can let you guys decide who made better points, I don't think I care whether or not I win the argument."

Virgil grunted. "I wouldn't say no to that, honestly. I'm more interested in the arguments themselves."

"I concur. We'll be discussing video games today." Logan clicked on the random number generator he had pulled up next to the list of video games. "First topic... Five Nights At Freddy's."

"Flip a coin to decide which we argue for?" Virgil suggested. "Good game or bad game?"

"Sounds good to me." Logan nodded.

Virgil pulled out a quarter and flipped it in the air, catching it and slapping it down on the back of his hand. "Heads I argue against, tails you do."

Logan nodded again.

He moved his hand. "Heads. Hell yeah."

"Forty-five seconds, you start." Logan angled the timer towards the center of the table. "Go."

~~~ Two Hours Later ~~~

"What the hell is happening in here?" Roman threw the door open to the office just as Virgil slammed his hands down on the table.

"Hello darling." Logan paused the timer. "How was your morning?"

"Uh. Good? Repeating the question. What the hell is going on?"

"Ame and I have spent a good two hour recorded podcast taking turns screaming at each other."

"It's very theraputic." Virgil nodded, then turned to Logan. "I have one more thing to say by the way."

"Go for it." Logan crossed his arms, smiling a little.

"You're a b*tch if you think that playing a strong, smart female character in any video game is degrading just because she's a woman." Virgil barked into the microphone, slamming his fist on the table. He took a deep breath, then nodded and leaned back. "Man, I feel way better."

Roman blinked at the two of them when Logan looked up, and he chuckled at his boyfriend's expression.

"I'm so f*cking confused."

"It's okay, sweetheart, you don't have to get it."

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