2) nightlight =

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I wake up sweating and crying. Ugh I can't even sleep I've been here for two weeks and every night it's the same. I walk on the balcony and jump into the tree in front of it.

"Hey nightlight, bad dream again." James says I only see him at nights he usually on the balcony. The tree im in is between our balcony almost connecting them.

"Come on I want to show you something." He says and jumps down from the balcony to the tree then to the ground. I look at him and shake my head. Ok so the tree is three story's high he jump to the floor around the tree but from the tree to the second floor courtyard is a big gap with a high  drop.

"Come on night-light. I got you" he says I jump and land on the edge. I go to step and fall back I close my eyes and a hand wraps around my waist.

"Woah. That's not the best way to go." He says and picks me up I squeak.

"If your mute how can you make noises" he says putting me down by the gerage.

+I'm not exactly mute, I just don't talk. Please don't try making me.+ I sign scared hell yell at me.

"Did you ever talk to people." He asks and opens the gerage I nod and we walk in.

+I talked to three people. But they no longer around.+ I sign he nods

"So pick a car." He says pointing to his three sports cars and three trucks.

+Are all these yours.+ I sign he nods

"Ya in the front is where everyone else parks" he says and I walk between the lambo a desil truck.

+I like these two.+ I sign he nods and the lambos doors flip open. I stand and gock this midnight bluish purple car has a black leather interior blue linings.

"Come on nightlight. You can still see it from inside the car." He says snapping me back to reality I mouth sorry and get in the car.

"So I'm gonna ask yes and no questions for yes knock on the dash once for no twice for yes" he says I nod and he drives off.

"Are you nervous living with us." He asks damn he didn't waist any time.  I drag my hand across the dash he looks over and I do the kinda shake with my hand.

"We're you scared when your mom sold you." He asks I growl at the word mom and knock once. I wasn't scared till I heard that voice I was kinda thrilled.

"Was she your only family left." He's getting the personal ones. I knock twice and start tearing.

"Was she your real mom." He asks I knock once And it gets quiet.

"Do you like horses." He asks I knock twice.

"Have you ever ridden one" he asks I knock twice I remember me my mom and dad would go horse riding and camping before school started.

"Have you ever star gased." He asks I knock twice. I remember in highschool me and Jamie would take his truck out to the mountains and look at the stars. We would have competitions to see who could guess the most right.

"We're here nightlight." He says he gets out and the doors fold open again. He walks to my side and helps me out. We walk a little longer till we hit a horse.

"Come on, cowgirl." He mocks helping me on the horse. We start moving and in no time were sprinting, I grip James shirt he grabs my arms pulling them around him.

"We're here." He says helping me off the horse we walk a little bit by a tree.

"Come here" he says standing at the edge of a cliff I freak out and back away.

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