First Home and New Companion?

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Chapter 4 ( 3rd person view )

Y/n ran through some obstacles such small animals but we're easily disposed off and avoided. Y/n had no intention of fighting larger animals because he lacked everything. The land was filled with unknown creatures that would overwhelmed him easily if not careful.
Thats why Y/n's movements were subtle, he didn't want to leave anything behind such tracks that would lead him. A new notification popped out from his face saying new upgrades available. Y/n of course wanted it.


Low regeneration to Mid low regeneration

Enhanced Senses

Enhanced Taste

Enhanced Jaw Strength

Y/n:" Upgrade my Low regeneration to Mid low ."
" upgrading ability please to wait for thirty minutes before completion."
After that Y/n continued his way through the jungle, each exploration he made the map that was darkness was covered in light and was marked. After two hours had passed Y/n was numb and drenched in sweat, with him taking in air father, his body was tired after hours of kneeling, crawling and hiding which was not his forte. His feet was ached, while he scouted the area for any possibility until the guide answered that they were close.

Guide:" You should be arriving know. "

The area was a sight to behold in front of him, their was allready water source from the left and a large cave on the right with a enough height to scout incoming enemies

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The area was a sight to behold in front of him, their was allready water source from the left and a large cave on the right with a enough height to scout incoming enemies. Plus this looked well hidden enough only animals lingered here close by.

Guide: Congratulations for finding a home base you are know given 2000 points the others 1000 was deducted because you needed my help.

Y/n: I see well doesn't matter

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! A visious roar of a creature echoed in the area its roar was filled with rage and resentment. It almost sent shivers through Y/n's body, he quickly looked but there was no sign of a beast nor creature in here unless it was far he thought.

Y/n: Hey guide can you trace where it is?

Guide: Yes for 100 points is it a yes or no?

He didn't know what to do, curiosity binds him to find out about the roar and fear tells him to stay, even if he has an ability he doesn't what it is.

Y/n: I want you to track the where the roar came from guide.

(4600 points remaining)
Guide: Affirmative 100 points has been deducted. )

Y/n followed the direction the guide pointed at it only took 15 minutes to arrive at the location to find a beautiful Athletic lady with a figure that rival that of a Goddess.

Y/n followed the direction the guide pointed at it only took 15 minutes to arrive at the location to find a beautiful Athletic lady with a figure that rival that of a Goddess

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She was facing off against five enemies who were armed even having a reptile with them. Yet with her mace and shield she has already taken out five of them who layed in the ground bloody beaten. But the rest weren't giving up that easily they were tiring her out so they could take her down but she to wasn't giving up that easily she swung her face unto the reptile while kicking the behind her with strong force. But one eventually struck a sharp object from the other side leaving her wounded.

Guide: The host has found other people including a beautiful lady who is a warrior and a leader. 6000 points is know awarded to the host with 1000 added from the others. Do you wish to help her host?

Y/n: Yeah of course I do but I never killed a person before.

Guide: Host is having troubles with the decision but if you leave her here she most likely loss due to tiredness and wounds. Do you wish to save her?

Y/n: Yes I do

Guide: The mission has know been given goodluck.

He didnt know what to do but one thing stayed from his made.

Y/n: ( She needs my help and I'm not gonna sit here and do nothing I'm sick of doing nothing. )

He ran as fast as he could and lunged on the back of an enemy where he was close at attacking her, the man immediately fell down blood slowly dripped through the ground. She was taken by surprise when she saw him out of nowhere she said a word that sounded gybrish to Y/n. So he asked the guide to translate it or make him understand what she said to which costed Y/n to spend 1000 points on to understand their language but it was worth it to him.

???: Thank you who ever you are

Y/n: Yeah no problem

After awhile both finished off the their enemies Y/n taking down three which made him want to puke but held it in. The woman on the other hand grabbed anything that was useful on those men including Food and medicinal herbs, she packed it in her leather bag and tried to give some to Y/n.

( 9500 points remaining + 3500 mission reward = 13 000 points )
( Do you wish to upgrade your system for 4000 points? )

Y/n immediately clicked yes and a cooldown was shown to be 30 minutes the same as before. He approached and saw she sustained injuries before ass-well and large cut wound that penetrated her shoulder and a few bruises on legs and arms. Seeing this made Y/n feel an admiration and feelings for her even thou he just meet her. She moved closer and told her name Frisk.

Y/n: Nice to meet you my name's Y/n.

Frisk: Uhm if you don't mind would you be able to lend an assistance? because I'm very wounded and tired.

Y/n: Uhm yeah of course what is it you need?

Frisk: Well I need help finding my companion and she shouldn't be to far, I just need someone watching my back if you don't mind.

Guide: Do you accept the mission their will be a bonus reward and points.

Y/n: ( Yeah I want to and I want to gain her trust ) Yeah lead the way Frisk.

To be continued

The Jungle Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt