Car Accident

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Chapter 1

I really regretted a lot in my life, the choices I made a huge impact dropping out of school was one of them I remember my parents protesting about but they came to accept my decision and respected it. They were always with me whenever I messed up the depts I accumulated, later on, were even paid by them the jobs they took were burdening them day in and out but they smiled they never showed any hatred towards it, A useless boy such as me who dropped everything for the sake of a dream I could not finish. Yet they loved me, they always hoped I would change for the better and if not they said it was destiny.
I tried everything to amend for my doings but it was already too late for me, I was driving back home when a black Lamborghini was accelerating from the left. The police behind it yelled for it to stop, It was the last word I heard before everything escalated quickly. My car took a huge impact especially on the passenger side but I thought I at least stopped an individual from escaping, I just wonder if my other siblings would take care of Mom and Dad. The letter I inscribed and the money I've worked would at least be given to them, but I still regret some decisions from the past, I felt my world change my head started to feel pain as I realized I was losing blood a lot of it all these memories of regret ."Cough"

I was feeling discomfort on each movement I brought about. As far as I recall, when I was a youngster Mom would kiss my forehead whenever I hurt or injured myself she would say "pain go away and never come again" and hugged me after that.
I slowly reached upon my pocket to check on my messages and called mom " Hey... Ma I don't I can make it back home today something happened" Her voice was puzzled but was immediately replaced with concern.
"Tell me what's going on dear"
I slowly answered her back with a sad tone " It seems I meet a mishap when I was driving "
" Mishap? I can call someone and pick you up if you stuck in the highway"
I slowly grounde with pain " Back then mom I've made a lot of mistakes that caused you and Dad to be affected, I'm sorry for everything"
" It's okay we're family and that's what we're supposed to do for families."
"Mom I have a gift for you in the bank that would help everyone."
"Gift? Oh please, you already are our gift. "
" I'm sorry I'm so sorry " tears began to slowly flow down my cheeks as I said those words. I could not utter those words that I was perishing from this dam accident rather I said " I love you tell Dad I said the same especially the others "
"Alright are you sure you don't any help "
"Yeah I'm sure Bye Mom"
"Bye son don't be late! "
The line was immediately cut when i pressed the end button.
I was slowly descendeding to sleep while I felt perfectly comfortable, yet I saw a light before growing brighter.
I decided that this was just an illusion and nothing more.
I thought this is what everyone sees when their at deaths door. I lifted my head up and faced it.
The light came closer to my face and I felt warmth like never before the feeling only grew intense but what came next was cold I felt it down my spine. The temperature in my body kept changing differently to head I felt a strong head ache, and through my body I felt the intense heat circulating through veins.
It immediately came to an abrupt end. " Ding "

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