System Guide

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Chapter 2

(Mc point of view)

I awoke with a headache. The unpleasant feeling of an small animal going through my brain each movement it made send small signals is what I thought.
" You have finally awoken from your sleep host "
I was surprised hearing a voice through my head, I thought I was going crazy from this.
" Not to worry host you are perfectly normal and have not suffered any internal or emotional injuries"
"I'm sorry what? But I'm sure I'm crazy because their is no way in hell that I'm fine with something messing with my head! "
"That is understandable because this your first time experiencing such circumstances"
"Understandable!" I blurted out loudly.
" That's not nearly enough, I can't just trust you that easily your in my head that means you could kill me!" The moment I said the word kill something struck me memories of what had happened in my accident came flooding in through my head. The accident on what happened to me  and the phone call I made.
"The host has finally remembered you have been reincarnated in to the Stone age and I am here as your guide and an insurance"
"Insurance?" I was confused.
"To put it simply I will give you what you need in return you give me points back but the items I shall give are limited unless you upgrade the system or meet unusual circumstances. "
" I see so what happened to my parents back then "
"That I cannot answer but all I can say is their fine and are in good health"
I slowly pondered on what questions to ask and where am I, everything that happened right know was just to fast for me to desipher.
"That's good to know then where exactly am I? or we"
"You are at the Stone age but very different from your world that you have known" the voice explained none hurriedly.
"How is it different from my world" I asked with curiosity.
" The difference between your world and this is that their are many more creatures and races different from humans "
" Such as? "
" Bestial race or Large predators that could easily trample you without a sweat "
A cold shiver ran down my spine as I slowly scouted the sorounding area with my eyes.
"What's the chances of me surviving in this world"
A few moments of silence passed until the voice answered back.
"Your chances of surviving is very low but not worry for I am here"
"Small comfort" I muttered slowly
"Do not be so down Host the system has down been completed and has been integrated with you, the following rewards to be given are seven thousand points, Bone Dagger, Leather bag, 2x Sleeping Bag( Made out of Dire wolf ), Rations

Wooden Mask

Wooden Mask

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Light Armor

Light Armor

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" What in the? " I was bewildered when random items just popped out nowhere, especially when they were neatly arranged all together.

" The host has know been given a choice to pick an ability that would help your survival "

- Enhanced Awareness
With this ability the host would be able to detect any movements on the host proximity.
- Low Regenerative
With this ability the host would have accelerated healing on minor wound or cuts that would takes days or weeks and restore your stamina twice as fast as a normal human.
- Enhanced Taste
Host would be able to detect poison or any harmful substances on their food that could cause harm on the body.
- Enhanced Jaw strength
With the host jaw strength enhanced he would be able to bite down into tougher muscles.

"Give me the ability Low Regenerative "

" The ability in know being transferred be advised that the host will suffer mild head ache or dizziness "
"Couldn't you say so sooner I might immediately suffer while monsters out their could sniff me out"
"Jeez" I tried to at least think on positive side I'm alive and well, but this world is lurking with unknown dangers I've never faced in my previous life. Immediately a surge of electricity flowed through my brain like an eel moving side through side with ease.
" Twenty second remaining before the Pain will be neutralized "
I just need to hold in for that long I tried rolling down the ground with my body to shake it off but wasn't very effective either.
"Fifteen seconds remaining"
Every count down I heard made it feel like an eternity my brain was already at its limit at this rate I could lose control over body while pissing myself.
"Ten seconds remaining"
After I lost control over my body movements I collapsed on the ground panting for air.

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