Noah sighed and cuddled against Elliot's chest once he had finished the whole bottle, "Mama?" 

"No, buddy," Elliot replied softly. "Mama had to go to work of a little." 

"No Mama?" He asked, his lip quivering. 

Elliot shook his head, "No Mama right now." Noah whimpered softly, his hands rubbing his eyes and Elliot knew this was about to turn into a full blown melt down. Nothing in this world was more precious to Noah than his mother. When he asked for her or called her name, she was always there. No one, not even Elliot, could calm him down quite like she could... especially when he needed his Mommy time. 

After twenty minutes of screaming and crying, Noah had finally cried himself to sleep. Elliot settled him into his crib, closing the door quietly behind him. He sent a quick message to Olivia asking when she would be home, hoping it would be before the end of the nap came lest there be a repeat of Noah's earlier performance. 

Elliot went to the kitchen, hoping he could clean the apartment and get a nap in before Olivia, Noah, Eli, and himself went furniture shopping later in the day. Much to his chagrin, Noah only slept for about an hour which gave him only about a fifteen minute nap once he was done cleaning. 

Noah was already hysterical when Elliot picked him up out of his crib, "It's okay gotta calm're gonna make yourself sick." Elliot rubbed his back and trailed his fingers through his hair until Noah rested his head ago at his shoulder, his tears soaking his shirt. "I love you, Noah...Mama should be home soon." 

Elliot sat in the rocker, Noah cradled in his arms clutching his blanket tightly against him. "Do you know how much your Mommy loves you?" Noah's sobs had quieted to whimpers and he seemed to be hanging on Elliot's every word. "She loves you more than anything else in this world, Noah....don't ever doubt that. You know you're getting a little brother soon, right? I can't wait to see you with're going to love him so'll have a friend for the rest of your life. You're gonna have to watch out for him just like your brothers and sisters do for you," he said, kissing his forehead softly. "You are so loved, Noah. Eli is excited to see you later, he's practically obsessed with you." 

"Eli," Noah mumbled around his pacifier. 

Elliot chuckled and nodded his head, "That's right, buddy. Eli loves you so much...he asks about you every night when I talk to him." 

There was a light rap on the door and Olivia pushed it open gently, "Can I come in?"

Elliot smiled and Noah held his arms up to her, "Mama."

"He's been missing you all day," Elliot said, letting her take Noah from his lap and giving her a sweet kiss on the lips. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't get home sooner... it was a crazy day," Olivia said, holding Noah close to her and rocking him around the room. 

"I understand," he replied, "He threw a huge fit earlier before his nap...cried so hard he tired himself out and finally fell asleep. I'm just happy you're home...he's not the only one who missed the most important woman in his life."

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