The had a really nice set up. They were monitoring the news, loading in stolen parts and supplies. They had few racks of guns, which was surprising but you could never be too careful now and days. Androids watched us curiously. Word travels fast with androids. North didn't speak a word to me the whole way there, not that I minded. North was guarded but I understood why.

She led me to a small corner where androids were bleeding blue. There were a lot of androids that were damaged and shutting down. I remember the first time I witnessed one shutting down. It was both traumatising and intriguing.

North gestured inside and I mumbled a small thank you. "Lucy will help you."

I was about to ask who Lucy was but North was already walking away. "A human. It's the first and one of the few who's supported androids since the beginning." I turned my head to see android with her head ripped off, wires spilling out like mechanical hair. Her eyes were black with long used blue blood and were cloudy. "You've known pain your whole life and now want justice for the weak." "You must be Lucy." I inferred.

She nodded. "But what you seek will only end in the unhappiness of you. What you decide will change the future of the humans. Be warned it has never been an easy path nor will it get any easier now." "Of course." I simply said. "You must of helped spark something in Markus in order for him to become this human." Lucy nodded slowly and showed me where everything was.

Androids filed in bringing things when we needed in a fashionable time. Damn I love androids.

"I need a #1009d biocomponent for reactivation!" I called out. An android brought me one and said, "This is the last one." I nodded and somberly asked, "Can you grab me a pack of Thirium?" Blue blood was all over my arms and clothes. The android nodded and grabbed one off the table next to where I was working. "We're running low on Thirium too." He said handing me the pack. I locked in the new biocomponent and watched her come back to life. "Here drink this." I handed the Thirium pack to her. She blinked and downed the Thirium.

"What time is it?" I asked wiping the sweat off my brow with my not so covered arm, some blue blood smearing onto my face. A small girl sat on a container in front of where I was standing and replied, "10:36:47 PM. It's snowing outside." I blinked. An android stopped in front of the little girl and asked, "Alice?" and approached her slightly. Another android came and stood beside the other.

There were things going on behind me but I only focused on them. "You knew from the beginning." Said the bigger android. "You just didn't want to see it. She wanted a mom, and you wanted someone to care for. You needed each other." The small female android glanced to the other one, almost like she was in shock.

"What difference does it make? Do you love her any less now that you know she's one of us? Alice loves you Kara." Wait. Kara?? "She loves you more than anything in the world. She became the little girl you wanted! And you became the mother she needed. Forgetting who you are, to become what someone needs you to be... Maybe that's what it means to be alive." The bigger android speculated. He stepped back and walked to the corner where another little girl was sitting down.

"Excuse me. Did you say your name was "Kara"?" I asked and she stiffened. "Yes..." She answered. She slowly turned and visibly relaxed when I smiled. "Do I know you?" She warrily asked. My smile widened a little more and chuckled, "No... I've just heard a little bit about you. And by your design... You came from my sketch book!" "I-I, Excuse me?" She asked confused.

"I'm sorry. I'm Dr. (Y/n) Miller. Ex Co-founder and Director of Executive Arts and Development for Cyberlife. Which is a fancy way of saying I created you and designed you." I reached out a hand for her to shake. She hesitated for a moment and then shook my hand. "You're Dr. Miller?" She asked with a bit of awe in her voice. "What are you doing here? You should be enjoying retirement like Mr. Kamski is."

"I'm needed here," I opened my mouth but quickly closed it again. Kara smiled in understanding. "I love Elijah but I need to follow my own destiny and for a long time I thought... I thought that he was my destiny... But this revolution, your freedom is something I feel needs my attention then following a dream that probably won't come true after today." I nodded while explaining. "Because helping androids is now illegal. We had someone helping us get here. Her name was Rose." Kara understood.

We talked for a few more minutes then we parted. She did turn out to be important. Go me. *BANG* The whole ship shook. "Jericho is under attack! EVERYONE RUN!

Gooood Morning! Or Good day/night where ever you live. Thank you so much for reading this story my Lovelies. Please vote and share and all the things to help this story! It is very much appreciated.

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