Chapter 16

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*3rd Person*

November 9th, 2038

Tuesday, AM 12:04:01...

Kamski's Winter Villa

"You've always been so beautiful. I wanted to drop Cyberlife to marry you but..." "Things didn't happen that way." (Y/n) said bittersweet. Bitter because of the hardships but sweet to finally embrace him.

They ended up holding each other in each other's arms for a long time. (Y/n) breathed in Kamski's cologne and found it to be intoxicating. I don't want to leave this. Her phone buzzed with a notification, several actually. She shifted to grab it out of her back pocket. "Remember when people would tell us that our phones would be stolen if we put them in our back pockets?" Elijah smiled. "Yeah, I never listened and got my phone stolen once when I was like 12." She laughed.

Looking at her phone she saw security alerts at 12:11:09. One's she kept on Markus and Connor. Markus was marching at the mall, but it's a peaceful march... "Markus." She showed Elijah. He turned on the TV and the news was watching the story develop. Okay, more like pedestrians but they were recording. They turned the corner and saw a police blockade. The androids raised their hands and kept walking.

"Oh my gosh..." (Y/n) stared in amazement and stood. "This is your creation. You made this android." Elijah stood right next to her and gave her a half hug. "Yeah... I made a revolutionary machine." (Y/n) said blankly. "I'm sure Connor and Kara will have some part of this." "Wait, Kara?" "She's a runaway AX400 who took a YK500 with her." (Y/n) looked to Elijah. "An android girl?" Elijah smirked. "I hate your damn smirk. It always meant you knew something I didn't." She pouted. "Then you'd always pout like this and it would only make me want to do this." He pecked her lips again.

"You're purely evil. Whenever you'd smirk, I'd always wanted to grab you by your tie," She said, grabbing his robe near the center of his chest. "And do this." She got real close to him, close enough that he could smell her perfume. Time slowed for a moment. Only (Y/n) and Elijah together.

"You're holding your breath." 

"You were always such a tease." He said smirking and turning a shade of red. She released him and flashed him a smirk. "You liked me that way though, otherwise you wouldn't want me to be on this crazy ride with you." She laughed, brushing off her lab coat. "I still can't believe you wear that old thing." "It reminds me of the old lab before..." Gunshots came from the tv speaker and both heads turned. The androids were running for their lives. A dark skinned android lay dead on the ground. "Markus!" Someone yelled out. "Run North!" Markus ran passed the person recording. He looked... afraid. Afraid and lost.

"(Y/n), there's nothing we can do for them right now. By the time we get there it'll be too late." Elijah held her arm. "I need to find Jericho. It's the only way to help them. Fish also might be in danger." "Fish?" "My android companion. He... he became deviant and ran away a few days ago." "You bought an android?" Elijah questioned. "No, I found him after he was beaten down and left for scraps. He's been with me for about 4 years until he chose to go to Jericho. I considered him..."

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