Chapter 1

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*3rd Person*   

August 16, 2017

Summer Break, 12:23:29…

Detroit, Michigan

    *Tick* *Tick*

    (Y/N) could hear the clock. It’s ticks reminding her that she only had a limited time. What for, you might ask? For a test that would determine her fate the upcoming school year. A test that will prove that she was capable to skip a grade and graduate earlier than expected.


    Her adrenaline had been in her system for a bit, but that wasn’t the only reason she was shaking. She hated tests that were timed. It’s not that she was bad, it’s because she would finish early, leaving time to overstress about the answers she knew were correct.

    To her right she could see a young man working on his test. He looked calm and almost... relaxed? He had long, dark hair tied into a man bun. Which made his pale complexion stick out more. He looked kinda cute. He had glasses that framed his icy blue eyes. She wondered what it would be like having a discussion would be like with him. She could only imagine what they would talk about first.


She caught only a glimpse of his shirt. It had a clever math pun and a witty illustration, completing the nerdy look he had going on. Why am I like this? She shook her head at herself, then looked to her outfit. Not only had she been staring for a minute but, she was dissecting his style, just like she did with everyone she saw. She wasn’t the only one with style sins today. She wore an oversized sweater in the middle of summer, black leggings and her shirt was her secret favorite band.

Eyes back to her test. No time for fantasies or daydreaming. Focus on the test. She had to show it’s okay to be pretty and smart. She had to prove that she could to her friends and family. She wanted to prove that she wasn’t a failure. She had to.


He snuck a glance to the girl on his left. She was absolutely beautiful. She had a womanly charm and soft features around her face. Along with her face was determination and untold intelligence. He knew who she was. Everyone in the school did.
(Y/N) was the natural beauty that everyone wanted to be or wanted to befriend, along with other things… She held grace like a queen and could claim attention like a bomb threat. When she raised her voice, which was hardly ever, her words could make the manliest boy cry.

“You have 5 minutes to complete the test.” The teacher in the corner of the room announced.

(Y/N) sighed loudly then put her pencil down. She glanced around the room, her eye catching the boy to her right again looking at her. Elijah held her gaze a moment longer, then turned to finish his test. Between the both of them, they felt a spark of attraction. But she didn't know his name, everyone knew hers, the perks of having genius twin brothers the year before her. She was popular, especially with the jocks and preppy kids, most of which where going to be Juniors this next year. How she got there? She honestly couldn’t tell you except that she was Ryan and Ryder’s younger, pretty, mesmerizing sister.
(Y/N) noticed that the boy had finished, while she had been in her thoughts, and was also waiting for the time. She looked at him once more. She had heard of this boy in passing conversations. He was The Nobody. The joke of the school. The kid that if you had a bad day, you could pick on him. It wasn’t fair but no one would spare a glance if you did.

They called him a Freak, along othe)pr insulting names, whenever she wasn’t around. Who would say those things in front of a lady? Definitely not the boys who claimed to love her. She had seen him around the school the year before, but she never had the time to talk to him. To the school he was a no one. A Freak. But to her, he looked intelligent. She saw so much potential in him. He was a crazy genius waiting to change the world. He would be important.

“Time’s up!”

(Y/N) looked to the teacher while the other few students panicked in their seats.

“Hand in you test as you leave. Your results will be mailed  to you within the next two weeks.” Teacher drawled and mumbled how she isn't getting paid to be there.

The students picked up their things and headed to the front of the empty classroom. They put the pencils they were borrowing in a tin can and handed their tests to the poor, underpaid teacher. (Y/N) and Elijah made eye contact again. No words passed by them but a mutual understanding.

They knew each other vaguely, but with school she was higher in the societal hierarchy. He was not. He could never talk to her without both being shamed, he didn’t want that for her. She didn’t want him to be treated that way. In the upcoming year, it was only a matter of time before she would say anything about it.

Like the moment came, the moment left. Elijah made his way to the door, followed by (Y/N). When he went to part the only thing she felt comfortable to say was, “I like your shirt. It’s funny.”

Hello lovelies!

I hope you enjoy the chapter and enjoy this game as much as I do. It was really fun writing this story and I put a lot of heart into it.

Question of the day: What is your biggest dream? And what do you think it takes to achieve that?

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