Chapter 4

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Why is my head hurting?

A young girl laid on the cement floor, trying to figure out what happened to her. The lighting was dim and hard to see. Where am I? She tried to get to a sitting position. Her body ached and laiden with pain. When she would move, she felt like she had been beaten, she figured she had been.

What happened? She managed to crawl to the nearby corner and was sitting up against it. Her body felt like it was screaming from her previous movement. She wanted to cry. What did I do to deserve this? She pushed against the wall as she tried to get up. She trembled with effort and shook with confusion.

She pressed herself to the wall for support and looked at her surroundings. She was in her basement, the stairs leading to the main house a few feet ahead of her. She could barely make out the shelves of canned goods and a sofa on the other side of the room. She remembered a little bit of what happened to her. Mother was angry, she threw me down those stairs and locked me in here. I've banged on that doors for hours.

She did her best to get to the stairs, using the shelves in case she fell and sat down. The light from underneath the door was the only light in the room, but it was enough to start seeing her skin. They were deeply bruised in some areas as far as she could see. This wasn't the first time she'd been locked in here.

The landline phone rang loudly from the other side of the door. She heard no footsteps and heard an audible *click* sound meaning it was going to the answering machine. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Miller. I was calling to let you know that your daughter was absent all day today. If you have any questions or concerns you can call the school and request me, Ms. Gillis. Thank you and have a great day."

Ms. Gillis? She's my teacher. It must be after school. The little girl picked herself off the stairs and walked up the last five, until she came to the large wooden door. She knocked on the door quietly and suddenly felt very afraid. What if Momma is still home? She peeped under the door and found two pairs of shoes standing in front of it. A small knock answered back after a moment's hesitation.

"Ryder? Ryan?" The girl's hoarse voice broke the silence. "(Y/n)? Are you down here?" Ryder asked. The girl made an "mhmm" sound and started to cry. "Do you have the key?" "No, Momma took it this morning and gave it to Papa." Ryan said. "Call Papa." She cried from the door. Ryan ran and had to jump in order to get the phone. "How long have you been home?" (Y/n) asked Ryder. "We just barely got here."

Though her sniffles she could hear Ryan calling her Papa and listening to his quiet instructions. "On top of the fridge?... Yeah okay... She's been in there since we got home... When are you coming home?... Not until next week? But Momma... Yeah okay. Yeah it's there. (Ryder hand me the bent wire) Let me get her out of here, she's really upset. I don't think that being left down there overnight is something that would spark confidence in her."

The door handle jiggled and opened. (Y/n) ran out and hugged her two brothers and cried harder. "What did you do?" Ryder asked calmly. "I-i-i d-don-n't kn-now!" She stuttered out. "I ca-han't rem-mem-m-mber." Ryan and Ryder looked at each other, unsurprised. They heard this several times before. They were surprised at the amount of bruising she had. A black eye, bruises on her legs, a few cuts on her arms and on the side of her head was dry blood. She had been beaten again.

"Oh (Y/n)." They equally said. She only cried, if possible, harder than before. They carried her to her almost plain room. It once was full of decorations and beautiful paintings and you could see where they once were, seen as the walls hadn't been wiped down yet. Her toys were in the garbage can, broken beyond the repair of a small child. Her clothes were scattered across the floor and ripped into scraps and rags.

The twins were utterly shocked at this point. They don't usually come into her room but they did on occasion, it never looked like this. Ryder, had been carrying her at this point and went to put her on the bed, which still looked freshly made. Ryan looked at her clothes and found them speckled with dry blood. Her ripped panties also had dry blood on them. "She started." muttered to himself. "Ryder, come look at this." Ryder came over after tucking in the little girl.

He inspected the panties as well and gave Ryan a knowing look. "I know. I saw the DNA test on the table too." They looked to the little child who was fast asleep again.

"She's not our sister."

"Technically, she is. She's the daughter of Mother's affair."

"She thought it was Father's child until she started to look more like him."

"What does it matter? She's been our sister up until now Ryder. She deserves a chance."

"I know, but everything has changed now."

"She hasn't changed. She doesn't even know. She still thinks she's Papa's daughter." Ryan said as they quietly left the room. "Why did we have to find out this way?" Ryder asked incredulously. "We're only 16." "I don't know about you, but I've known for years just by looking at her Ry." Ryan said going to the kitchen table. "She's starting to become a beautiful young woman, Mother doesn't like it but it's happening. Along with the fact that (Y/n) is her's and another man's child & Mother is beginning to show signs of Dissociative identity disorder."

"After all these years?" 

Boom! Another chapter! But wait!

There's one more, double chapter day!

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