Chapter 11

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*3rd Person*

June 17, 2038

Thursday, PM 3:34:15...

Cyberlife Repair and Distribution Center

Word travels fast and you learn quite a bit while on your own. Sometimes life's greatest lesson is taught by separation. Or at least that's what (Y/n)'s fortune cookie said. She was eating while on the job at a repair shop for Cyberlife's Androids. She'd been here for about 8 years with Ryan and Jo's Father, Nathan, Nate for short. Ryan had introduced Nate to (Y/n) when she first moved to California and hit it off quite well. Nate was ecstatic to meet one of the creators of Cyberlife and never questioned why she left.

They both were sitting there, listening to the TV, when the news reported her resigning from Cyberlife. She had yelled some profane words and Nate told her to sit her ass down and listen. Elijah was on the tv with his thoughts on her leaving. "I certainly find it... regrettable that she decided to leave." He was grasping at straws it seemed. Like he was having an inner battle with himself. He shaved, I liked the facial hair though. "She was... A great partner and friend to me. And I valued her opinion very much." Gosh, he makes it sound like I'm dead.

"How close were you two? For all we know you too could have been having an affair..." A journalist prodded "I'm sure if that had happened, you certainly wouldn't hear about it." He coolly insulted. "Everyone knows you were childhood best friends. Do you think your relationship could have turned into something more?" Another reporter asked. He held his trademark smirk. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that's something I cannot answer without Ms.(Y/n) Miller being here. No more questions."

"What have I told you about eating while working?" Nate yelled from across the shop. She swallowed the rest of her chinese food and said, "Not to, but I'm done now!" She said slyly. "You're such a naughty girl." She heard him grumble with a laugh. "You love me just as much as you love Ryan though!" She called back as she calibrated a HK400. "There." She said to the android, but really to herself. "How are you feeling?" "I am an Android. I can't feel." He- It replied.

(Y/n) felt:





(Diplomatic) "Maybe you can. You just have to reach for it and understand why." She wondered aloud. The Android's LED turned yellow with flashes of red. (Y/n) saw this and said, "Don't worry about it for too long. I'm just a crazy old scientist." Nate and Ryan scoffed in the background.

(Philosophical) "Human's sometimes don't feel either." She muttered to herself. Goodness, I'm starting to sound like Carl. "But you are human. You feel because you are Alive." The HK400 said. "Sometimes, humans choose to be numb and disregard their own feelings." (Y/n) started to ramble.

(Agree) "You're correct." She sighed. "Sometimes I wish I didn't program you so well." the Android only blinked but his LED told her that he was thinking. "I guess I should just be proud of the things I created." She smiled sadly.

(Silence) "Did something I say bother you Miss?" He asked. "No, honey. Something about this world did." She said with a bittersweet smile.

She sighed once more. Causing Ryan to walk over. "What's wrong (Y/n)?" "Looking at these androids every day reminds of when I had the opportunity to talk to Elijah. Now he's stepped down from being CEO and is living in his Villa home." She said despondently. "Why can't you go back?" Go back? "I... I don't know..."

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