Chapter 13

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*3rd person*

November 5th, 2038

Friday, PM 5:36:49...

Detroit, Michigan

(Y/n) decided to stay in Detroit for a little while longer. In fact, she had bought an apartment in Detroit and had been living there for some time. She celebrated her 36th birthday by going to her brother's and father's graves. "I miss you guys. Ryan and I do, so very very much." She said tearfully. She put the flowers she was holding in between both graves and grieved for a time.

Blake had video chatted with her several times a week since she moved to Detroit and (Y/n) was able to talk to his little android daughter all by herself. His daughter had a tight grasp on reality and had an interesting way of showing (Y/n). The girl would draw pictures for her only using a particular phrase, RA9. (Y/n) wondered where she recognized that phrase.

(Y/n)'s return to Detroit didn't go unnoticed. Many people spotted her at cafés grabbing something to drink and something to eat. They would ask questions like, "What have you been doing in the last 9 years or so?" or "Why did you leave?" (Y/n) wouldn't answer them. She knew what the press was like. One good thing that happened was she got invited to see a new art gallery dedicated to Carl Manfred, a friend of Elijah. Carl always treated her nicely, especially after a freak accident he had which led up to the creation of Markus.

(Y/n) decided on wearing a practical black dress with long sleeves and curling her hair, it was the beginning of November after all, gotta dress warmly. When she got to the party she was escorted into the large room, full of paintings. Only wealthier people would be here tonight, possibly a couple of famous ones too.

"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice questioned. It came from the right, where (Y/n) spotted Carl and Markus. "Oh, Carl and Markus!" She greeted as they came closer. Markus respectfully nodded while (Y/n) bent down to hug Carl. "It's been a while." "A while?" Carl scoffed and smacked the side of her head softly. "Okay, more than a while." She chuckled, straightening up. "How are you both tonight? Are you taking care of Carl for me?" "I'm fine. Just tired." Carl said from his wheelchair.

"How are you, Markus?" She asked earnestly. He smiled, "I'm well. Thank you, Doctor." "So formal." She chuckled again. "How's the new Thirium working for you? Do you need more or want the original-?" "(Y/n), breathe!" Carl scolded playfully. (Y/n) blushed slightly and laughed. "I get carried away sometimes..." She said embarrassed. Carl grumbled about her getting carried away more than she thinks. "To answer your questions Doctor, the Thirium is working just fine. It makes me feel more..." "Alive?" She finished. He nodded.

People approached Carl and Markus, so (Y/n) slipped away from any spotlight she might receive for being here. She honestly didn't want to hear it today. She wandered off, looking at all the art pieces. It felt like a labyrinth in here. So many twists and turns.

"You look good Ms. Miller." A familiar voice said and her blood ran cold. Andrue Thompson. "Thank you." She politely said, trying to dodge him. "(Y/n) look at me." He demanded temperedly. "Andrue." She said, defiantly looking anywhere else but him. "What are you doing here?" "I work here now." This made her head turn. He wore janitor's clothing and had a mop in hand. "You work here now?" Her jaw dropped.

"It's all because of your damned Cyberlife company. Elijah found out that I was working in the mechanic's sector and called me to his office. He gave me a mop and said, "You've been promoted." And I was sent here. Raised my pay by about $5 and now I work this degrading job." I'm not someone you want to cross... Those words were so clear to her.

"Damn, I'm impressed. And I'd love to stay and chat but I'm sure you've got your hands full of work. It doesn't pay to be a jackass." (Y/n) said coldly. Andrue glared and walk past her left. She went back to her thoughts.

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