Part 33: The Train Runs Off It's Tracks

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“You’re right,” I agreed quietly. “I just don’t want to lose her. She’s everything to me. Ella, if she breaks up with me—” I broke into sobs again, but I froze when I heard my phone buzz from the bedroom. Ella tore her eyes from me and ran into my room, then returned a few seconds later with my phone.

“It’s her,” She said lowly, holding it out to me. “Now, listen to me. You need to calm down. Tell her that you can’t talk for very long, and that you need to have an important conversation with her when she gets home.” Ella explained slowly. I nodded my head and wiped the tears from my eyes. Taking the phone from her hand, I cleared my throat and pressed the ‘talk’ button.

“Hey Karls! How are you?” I asked, trying to sound as chipper as possible.




I had just crawled out of my  bed and slowly made my way into the TV room. Before I sat down, I grabbed the remote off of the coffee table and pressed the power button. I had been watching the news before I went to sleep last night, so the same channel appeared on my screen. I turned around to have a seat on the couch, and my heart stopped when I read the headline on the TV:


            I didn’t have the chance to take in what I had just read when one of the reporters had begun speaking:

“Many sources believe that celebrity couple Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss have recently split due to the images paparazzi captured outside of a night club last night. Swift and One Direction member Harry Styles were spotted making out in an alley late last night.” A photo of the two of them followed, in which Taylor was pressed against a brick wall, and he had her arms around her.

            My whole body started to shake and I let out a small whimper. Anger, betrayal, and hurt filled my body and I didn’t know how to channel it. Tears fell from my eyes and I reached for my phone. I dialed Taylor’s number without hesitation. I wanted her to tell me that it was all a rumor, or that the pictures were just two look a-likes. Never in a million years did I think that Taylor was ever capable of doing something like this. The phone continued to ring, and I prayed that she would answer it. I needed to know what was going on, and I needed to know now.


“Cut the bullshit Taylor,” Karlie growled. “I want to know what I’m looking at on my TV screen right now.” Her voice was flat, but I knew that she was nervous. The façade that I had tried to hold up came crashing down, and I knew this was it for us.

“Karlie, I’m so sorry,” I cried, breaking into tears again. Ella stared at me apologetically and held my hand. “Please, you have to let me explain.” I managed.

“So it’s true then?” Karlie questioned. The tone in her voice shifted and I could tell that she had started crying. “How could you do this? And with Harry, of all people?” She said.

“It’s not like that Karlie,” I stumbled. “We were just talking, and he kissed me. I pulled away as soon as I could, but I guess it was just long enough for someone to snap a picture.” I moaned into my phone, my sobs muffling the last bit of what I was trying to say.

“I don’t care Taylor,” She cried. “When you showed me that song a few weeks back, I had my doubts about your feelings for me. I thought you were still hooked on him, but you looked me in the eye and you told me that I had nothing to worry about. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, because I trusted you. Then, you continued to show me all of these love songs for your album that were so blatantly about him, and you kept telling me that they didn’t mean anything! I can’t fucking believe how naïve I was. I should have known.” She huffed through her sobs. My heart broke as she continued each word, and I couldn’t take it.

“Karlie, it wasn’t like that. You have to believe me, please.” I begged. “It was a mistake. I feel terrible about it, but I do not have any feelings for him whatsoever. My heart belongs to you, and only you.” I cried into the phone receiver, and Karlie let out a deep breath.

“Fuck you, Taylor.” She growled. “Fuck you, and fuck all of the plans that we made together.”

“Karlie, don’t do this.” I begged. “I don’t want to be without you. I know I fucked up, please, baby.” I pleaded.

“Don’t call me that,” She spat. Her words hit me like a bullet, and I knew what was coming next. “We’re done Taylor. Stay away from me—And don’t waste your time trying to call, because I won’t pick up.” Karlie yelled.

“Karlie?” I called her name, but there was no answer. The line went dead, and I knew she had hung up.


*apologizes quietly* please dont kill me please dont kill me please dont kill me

one more update tonight!

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