From there, you were whisked up into the fun chaos of the festival.

Jungkook was scarily amazing at all the booths. After defeating more than half of the games set up around the festival grounds, he eagerly lead you to a larger pavilion where kids and young adults alike were painting art projects happily.

"You do art?" You blinked in surprise as he grabbed a sheet of paper and sat down at the end of the table with several pencils and erasers.

"I don't do art," he responded daintily. "I create masterpieces."

You scoffed a little and rolled your eyes. Unfortunately, you were quickly regretting your actions as it turned out the arrogant son of a water ass really was good at art. Within twenty minutes he'd drawn a stunningly realistic face of a woman.

"Who's that?" You smirked a little from across the table. "The girl of your dreams?"

"It's you." He replied simply.

Your heart stuttered. "What?"

Jungkook chuckled in amusement as he turned the sketch towards you. Now that the piece of artwork was facing you, you could tell he really had drawn your face. Blood rushed to your cheeks as your eyes took in the way Jungkook had captured the lines of your cheeks, nose, and lips perfectly. Your eyes seemed to stare right back at you and you had to quickly look away.

"Do you like it?" The artist inquired.

"Why did you have to draw me?" You mumbled in embarrassment. Yet deep down a small part of you fluttered that you were the one he'd drawn. Careful, Y/N, a voice hissed at you. This is just another way he's pulling you in. He's probably drawn numerous girls in the past to impress them.

"So you don't like it?" He sounded genuinely sad.

The tone made something in your chest twist and you quickly looked up. "Oh no, Jungkook. I do like it, I swear. I just... you shouldn't have drawn me."

He just shrugged, delicately rolling the paper up and slipping it into his jacket pocket. "I often like to draw beautiful and attractive things."

Just another way to pull you in, just another way to pull you in, you quickly yelled at yourself as your heart did another little flip.

Jungkook didn't seem to notice how flustered you were and merely took your hand into his and moved on from the art pavilion. By then dusk was falling across the sky. Layers of bruising purple, resonating blue, and a few fiery orange streaks stretched across the sky. The lights of the festival were lighting up as darkness began to claim the world.

Your breath caught as you noticed all the different types of lights now that they were lit up. There were large, beautiful gold bulbs that were strung above the pathways and tents. Little silver fairy lights glimmered from the trees and wove their way into parts of the rocks. Strings lights of indigos, greens, reds, and oranges shimmered everywhere, transforming the beach into something from a fantasy novel it seemed.

A live band was playing to their fullest a few feet away and some people were dancing in front of them. Bodies whirled around and kids spun together happily. People clapped their hands and cheered each other one as their feet and bodies moved to the music.

Like a moth drawn to the light, Jungkook drifted to the music. Your mouth fell open as he let go of your hand and stretched out his body, quickly catching on to the rhythm of the music. His body flowed in perfect time to the upbeat music and he moved with equal grace and passion.

Oh great. He was an amazing dancer. Yet another thing this man was great at. Was there anything he wasn't good at?

People's eyes were drawn to the dancing god before you. Cheers and whoops rose up as everyone began to encourage Jungkook to continue. When the cheerful music drew to a close and Jungkook dutifully ended with a pose. Applause erupted everywhere.

But his doe-eyes remained on you expectantly. You made a show to roll your eyes but you applauded as well. Zeus himself would probably strike you down with the most powerful lightning bolt possible if you didn't acknowledge the obvious amazing talent of this man.

After a quick intermission, the band began another song. This one was slower and softer. You watched as people begin to couple up and sway on the dance.

Amusement, along with a more uglier emotion that you quickly shove down, entered you when a young, pretty girl approached Jungkook, obviously asking for a dance. The girl made you think of one of those Victorian Secret models: the perfect skinny body, long flowing hair, and dainty features.

Jungkook shot you a superior grin in your direction. You didn't even need to hear him to know the message: see? No lady can resist me.

Then, Jungkook's superior grin melted into something entirely different. You watched in confusion when the Womanizer of the Four Winds turned to the pretty girl waiting by his side and murmured something politely to her. The girl looked disappointed and melted back into the crowds.

Did that man... that famed womanizer, just decline that girl??

To your further shock, Jungkook approached you. "Shall we dance?" He asked once he was in ear shot.

"I don't dance," you immediately replied. You've been told (mainly by Lulu) that your dancing resembled that of a chicken with fleas. And there was no way you were going to be caught dancing with the king of in public.

"Well, you're about to," he smirked. Ignoring your protests, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you onto the dance floor.



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