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•~•'HELLO" -avror •~•

[Patton P.O.V. morning]

Okay. I'm awake now. I am so tired. There's no clock in here and the walls are blank in the rooms that weren't connected to the hallyway. I should get up.

I looked around the room, grabbing my rounded glasses and cleaning them. I stood up and look to see what I was wearing and what was different about the room. It was a pigsty. That I had to clean up! I didn't even know that there was this much in here! Oh golly better start now.

[3rd P.O.V.]

Patton walked around the room picking up the clothes on the floor and folding them, sorting them, and then putting them in the closet connect to the room. That was where he and Logan's spare clothes were kept. He changed into a light blue shirt short sleeved that reached past his waist, and navy shorts. His iconic cardigan/jumper around his waist. He grabbed his phone to message Virgil.

Me: Hey Virgie, sorry for waking youuuuu. Can you please unlock the door? Pwetty pwease? I'm going to make pancakes!!!!!

He waited and continued tidying the room until he got a reply.

Emo Kiddo: Yeah sure, please make a chop chip one for me. Nerd and Heath are here as well. Be up in a while.

Me: Thank you Virgie, and don't call Lo-Lo mean names! Thanks for telling me. I will get them up before you. :DDDDD


Patton opened the door to the hallway, he now knew it was morning and needed to check himself before cooking and waking everyone.

He walked to the bathroom down the hall towards the kitchen and checked himself for bruises and such. He noticed the slight bit of green still left on his left cheek. He grabbed foundation and concealer for himself from the cupboard and applied it covering the green and yellowed skin. He tried to brush his curly strawberry blonde hair. Placing his glasses back on the bridge of his nose.

He left the bathroom, chucking his makeup container in the bin, he needed to get more, and walking to the library quietly.

He entered the large room looking around. Normally Logan is the only one to be in here, reason why his names on the door. The logical man was scrunched up on a couch his glasses about to fall off of his face into the wood of the couch.

[Patton First P.O.V]

Awww he had to sleep in here. Sorry Lo-Lo... Let's stop your glasses from falling before they break into pieces. I know you can't afford new ones.

I pick up the glasses gently to not wake him and admirer them. I placed the rectangular glasses on the near by coffee table and re tucked him in.

He looks adorable all snug.

I walked into the kitchen to start cooking the pancakes I promised. I made the chic chip ones for Virgil, soy ones for Heath and normal ones for me and Logan. I haven't cooked breakfast for Logan enough to know his type of pancake. I want to though.

I walk to Heath's room and knock on the door. I can hear him get up and shuffle to the door.

"Patty?" I heard through the door.

"Yep its me! I made your special soy pancakes for you. Well they will be ready by the time your out." He opened the door so he could face me when thanking me, before shutting the door to his dark cluttered room.

I then walked to the library, Logan was up already probably getting dressed in the bathroom.

I walked to Virgil's room to run the same routine from Heath.

"Emo Kiddo! I am gonna be serving the pancakes, I know your up because you don't sleep." Patton called extending the 'ee'.

"You're not wrong." Virgil said while exiting his room. All I saw of the room was it was dark and had striped walls.

"Is that eye-shadow or lack of sleep?"

"Its eye-shadow Popstar calm down." I love it when they call me puns!

Virgil and Heath walked to the foyer, beginning to talk to Logan.

I went and finished making pancakes for everybody. Setting them out in their tables while they sat around. Heath and Virgil looked a bit tired, Logan looked like he was in pain from the bad bed.

I began cooking my chocchip
pancakes. Sitting with everyone joining their conversations. I rubbed my cheek and noticed the foundation rub off.
Oh no.
They won't notice, its near my glasses.

"Today is Tuesday, what classes do you guys have?" Patton started when it went quiet.

"I have art, free and then drama/crew." Virgil responded.

"I have free, physics and then drama/crew with Virgil." Logan answered.

"I have uhh. Art, English and then music." Heath responded.
Huh, art at the same time as Virgil. Wonder why they haven't seen each other before.

"I have a free, cooking and then I have.. I don't remember, I will check at school." I responded. Great I asked the question and I can't answer.

"Yeah it's my boring day today. At least you get to feed yourself that must be good." Virgil continued facing me now.

"I feed myself everyday kiddo, what are you talking about? I'm no baby!" Patton replied trying to catch them off guard, failing.

"I can't stand my art teacher, she's such a --", " MOOO!" Heath was interrupted by Virgil.

"Why, why why why can you reading my mind?"

"Whenever the art kids talk about Ms Wick everyone always just yell MOO, she is a cow." Virgil continued over pronouncing the 'Ow'.

"Virgil! You don't talk like that about other people. Like them or not!" Patton chastised.

"Oh come on children, we gotta get to school." Logan butted in. "We can all meet here this afternoon if avalible, I myself will probably kept back for detention so don't wait for me. Fighting at school is a bad idea I now know from personal expireance."

All of the four boys ended their conversation there and left for their homes to get ready for school.

They wouldn't be prepared for what happened the next day.

•~• and I am back! Totally didn't procrastinate at all! Hope your enjoying yourself, remember be good to your self, others and eat atleast two meals a day!
Peace Peeps,

Original publish date 13/03/20
(Apparently it didn't publish properly)

Word count 1037

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