XXIII - Checkmate

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"What of my magic?"

"You will need to learn as necessary. A few spells here and there to help along the way."

Anne's eyes took in the shelves lining the room with renewed interest. "I will need my own space. My own materials."

Millie smiled into the fire. "Indeed you will, Anne. Every witch needs her own place. Working together may be tricky at some points. Let's always remember that we are on the same side." She paused as she eyed Anne's response. Anne kept her face carefully blank. "I know a place. If you don't like it, you can always create your own. I will show you how."

Anne nodded. She wanted to have her own secrets. All of Millie's scheming had become more clear to Anne after that night in the woods. She needed Millie, but also didn't trust her completely.

"We leave for Greenwich in the morning," Anne said . "My father informed me last night, though they've been speaking of it for weeks. The king sent a letter to my father requesting his immediate return, and to ensure he brought his family."

Millie nodded in satisfaction. "To ensure he brought you. I will follow along after I ensure all of your belongings are properly packed."

"Before I leave, can you show me what is on all of these shelves? What is in these jars?"

Eyeing the room, Millie smiled with genuine happiness. "Nothing would give me greater pleasure."

The two witches spent hours whispering, as one poured her knowledge into the other.

Within days, they were back at Greenwich castle, ready to cause trouble for the Catholic Church.


Greenwich Castle, 1526

"Welcome back." Catherine smiled down at Anne as they sat in the queen's chambers, needles in hand.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"We've missed you these years, Anne."
"It seems that sometimes we need to take time to right ourselves when things fall apart around us."

Catherine smiled sadly into Anne's eyes. Anne reflected on the fact that if anyone could understand the turmoil in her heart, it would be this queen. It made Anne sad that she would destroy the woman before her within the next few years. However, there were greater things afoot than feelings.

The king unexpectedly entered the room and Anne watched a smile spread across the queen's face. "Good morning, Your Majesty," Catherine said. Anne kept her eyes downcast to her needle, but she could hear the pleasure in her queen's voice.

"My love," the king said. "Ahh, Lady Boleyn, you have returned!"

Anne shrunk inside. Why would he acknowledge her in this moment? This attention could damage her in the eyes of Catherine. Her plans were too early in their infancy to make such a powerful enemy.

"Lady Boleyn, you will have to engage me in a game of chess. I have missed beating you."

Anne dragged her eyes up the king's and plastered a smile onto her face. To her horror, a giggle escaped her lips and she looked to the queen for help. But Catherine's lips had set into a hard line. Alright then, let the games begin, Anne thought with determination that mixed in with her disappointment.

"Your Majesty, I would be happy to," she murmured with a blush on her cheeks.

"Perhaps later this afternoon." The King smiled indulgently at Anne and then his eyes met his wife's once more. He seemed to read the disgust in her gaze and tried to temper the moment. "My darling queen, would you like to play a game first?"

Queen Catherine didn't bat an eye. Her reply was even, "You will have to forgive me, I am suddenly feeling unwell. I will have to take a rest before supper."

Henry's eyes softened, "I am sorry to hear that. Perhaps later then."

"Perhaps." But her expression belied her words.

"Then I will take my leave and see you this evening." The king bowed graciously and left the room.

Anne followed him out with her eyes and then looked back to the woman sitting elevated, but still beside her.

"What, pray tell, was that about?" Catherine whispered.

Anne looked into the queen's eyes, but said nothing.

"Very well, then. Go and sit somewhere else." She waved her hand at Anne dismissively.

Anne quickly stood and moved closer to the door. As the other ladies in the room watched her fall from grace, whispers erupted around the room. Her good standing with Queen Catherine had quickly come to an end.

After many uncomfortable minutes passed, a friendly face came to sit beside her. It was Margery Horsman, who had shown her kindness over the years. "Well, that was interesting," she whispered.

"That's one way to put it," Anne whispered back with a smile tugging the corner of her lips.

Margery gave a small huff of laughter. "The intrigue never ends around here. Are you next on the king's list?"

The smile grew a little bit more on Anne's face. "No," she whispered. "I'm last."

A snort now, from her new friend. And a glare from the queen. "Such confidence! I like it," Margery said.

Anne took a moment to assess Margery's face, gauging her sincerity. She was taking a great risk to sit with her within the queen's line of sight. "I guess we will see if it's warranted or not."

"I guess we will."

The ladies sat, sewing clothes for the poor in silence. After some time, Queen Catherine excused herself, under the pretence of needing rest. But everyone knew something momentous had just transpired.

A few moments later, Anne took her leave and headed to her secret room just above the dungeons. As she made her way through the stone passageways she saw the king speaking to one of his aids. Feeling wounded from the way he had revealed her to the queen, she turned on her heel and walked the other way.

"Lady Boleyn!"

He had seen her. She tried to shake off her feeling of betrayal. He could not know her true feelings. With a shrug of her shoulders she turned around to face him. One did not simply ignore the king.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" Anne smiled warmly, forcing her eyes to sparkle with a mischief she knew he would find alluring.

"Are you well?" He mades strides toward her as he spoke.

"Of course," Anne replied with a nod.

"When would you like to play that game of chess?"

"My lord, I would love to... play chess with you whenever your time permits it." She smiled demurely looking up at him and fluttered her eyelashes.

He eyed her speculatively and with appreciation. "My time happens to permit right now, my lady." He extended his arm to her with flourish and she took it.

They walked together, towards his chamber arm in arm, and Anne knew that her time had come. She needed to bewitch this man. Not for a few short months like so many other women before her. But for years. Until she could cause him to break with the Holy Catholic Church. Perhaps this goal could be achieved through marriage. Such a thing required him to put his wife away. 

She thought about Queen Catherine's bright eyes full of distrust and hurt, the unfortunate collateral damage of a dark plan to take out the very church she held so close to her heart. The Spanish queen, whose nephew held the pope captive, making any kind of annulment of marriage impossible... leaving an opening for Anne to work her magic. 

King Henry ruined her life and now he would be responsible for ruining Christianity. She smiled up at him now as they entered his chambers. She sat at a table near a window, a chess board laid out before her.

Check and mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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