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    IF THE CIRCUMSTANCES WERE DIFFERENT, Eden would have been more than happy to have safe ground underneath her feet again. If she hadn't had to watch a man get shot into the neck and then fall into his death just minutes prior to this moment then, yeah, maybe she would've have had it in her to appreciate that fact. But the circumstances weren't different and left Eden with nothing but shock.

    Once the whole group had crossed the bridge, they wordlessly decided to take a break to catch their breaths and collect their thoughts. After Luke's signal, they had hurried off the bridge while none of those who weren't there to see really knew what had happened to the stranger — they had been too far away.

    Despite Rebecca panting the loudest whilst she sat down on a tree trunk to their left, she still was the first to question, "Who the fuck... was that back there?"

    "I don't know," Luke answered as he leaned onto his thighs, breathless as well.

    Alvin still looked alarmed by the previous events and stated, "Looked like he had a gun on you."

    "That asshole drew on me! He was about to shoot," Nick jumped into the conversation, eager to explain himself. Eden wasn't sure whether he said this to assure the rest of the group or rather his own conscience.

    Angered, Luke furrowed his brows, his posture tense. "Oh, was he?"

    "I'm telling you, man," Nick insisted, growing defensive, "he drew first."

    Eden slightly shook her head at that, her voice low when she said, "We were right there, Nick."

    "Yeah, and it didn't look like he was gonna shoot anytime soon to me," Luke added.

    "Everybody calm down!" Clementine spoke up, trying to defuse the situation.

    Eden was thankful for that because after she said these words, everyone took a second to collect their thoughts.

    "What did you see, Clem?" Alvin was the first to speak up again, wanting to know Clementine's insight on the previous events. "Was that guy gonna shoot?"

    "Fuck you, Luke!" Nick cut off Clementine before she even had the chance to open her mouth. He grew more aggressive and defensive. His behavior reminded Eden of the one of a cornered animal as he snapped, "You've been on my case the whole week!"

    "And why do you think that is?" Luke asked cynically as he rolled his eyes.

    "Because you're an asshole?"

    Sighing quietly, Eden looked from Nick to Luke. She knew he was only worried and growing frustrated because he didn't know how to handle his best friend anymore but an argument wasn't helping anyone.

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