『 xxv. | INNOMINATE. 』

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IT DIDN'T TAKE MUCH LONGER for Clementine, Eden, Luke, Mike and Sarah to reach the museum they'd decided to be their meet-up point. Eden barely paid attention to the old buildings or statues as her eyes immediately scanned for the rest of her group. Quickly, she recognized Rebecca who was walking next to Bonnie, seemed to be guided and supported by the red-head. Upon looking more intently, Eden noticed how her face twisted in pain while she had placed a hand on her bump. Eden could only hope that her thoughts would be proven false because Rebecca — or rather, the baby — couldn't have picked a worse time to give birth.

Just then, Eden noticed that Kenny was nowhere to be seen.

Bonnie was the first to notice their return and her features lit up. "There ya are!" She called out in a thick southern accent. With Rebecca by her side, she walked over to them.

"Told you we'd find them," Mike grinned.

"Wasn't Clem the one to suggest looking for the rest? Don't give yourself all the credit," the redhead countered. Then, she turned to the rest of them. "I'm glad y'all are back."

For a second, Bonnie's smile faded. Her features twisted in confusion, her eyes scanning the area for the person she was looking for. She looked from Mike to Luke and eventually, she looked at Eden. She was about to open her mouth to ask about Nick but Eden solemnly shook her head. The last thing Luke needed was to be reminded of that again.

"I'm a little amazed myself that we've made it back, to tell you the truth," Luke admitted but kept his tone light

Eden had no doubt that Luke was putting on a facade in front of the others. He never wanted to draw attention to himself and his troubles. He was supposed to be the one they could rely on, not the one to cause more worries.

Smiling through her pain, Rebecca said, "Well, I'm glad you're back." She fixed her gaze on Sarah, worry swimming in her eyes, "Sarah. How you doing, hon?"

Taking a step towards Rebecca, Sarah's body remained stiff. She still seemed to be out of it and when Rebecca stretched out her arm to offer Sarah a comforting touch, the girl just pulled away, appalled by physical contact.

But Rebecca reacted calmer than Eden would have expected and spoke in an understanding tone, "That's okay, sweetie. Whenever you're ready. I'm just glad you're here."

Bonnie shared a worried glance with Eden but both of them could only hope that Sarah would find her way out of whatever she was going through right now because they also knew that she wouldn't have much time. As the younger girl walked a bit further off, Mike followed her to make sure she wouldn't do anything stupid.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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