『 x. | DEPARTURE. 』

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    THE WAY BACK TO THE CABIN was longer than Eden expected for it to be. She wasn't sure anymore if it was taking so long because they were running in circles or because they ran further than Eden had noticed when they fled from the walkers before. With Nick stumbling a few feet ahead of her, Eden slowed down her pace to give him some space. They hadn't talked the whole way and Eden decided it was best to keep quiet. She was just glad Nick was still on his feet and with her. Things could be worse.

    When Eden looked up at the sky, she noticed the sun was already rising. It must have been around seven or eight in the morning. She figured they must have been walking for about an hour now, maybe longer.

    Eventually, Nick stopped and balled his injured hand into a fist, causing for the shards to dig deeper into his already damaged skin. "Goddamnit!" He swore.

    Confused by Nick's sudden outburst, Eden looked at the man to see what his deal was and watched when he slumped down by a tree. She was about to ask what was wrong but Nick spoke before she had the chance to open her mouth, "All these trees look the fuckin' same... I'm so sick of it."

    Eden raised her brows. She hated how her suspicions about Nick not knowing where they were going were proven right by his words. "So you have no idea where we are?" Eden asked as she walked over to close the distance between them. Her words didn't sound angry — she was just trying to come up with a plan to get back to the cabin somehow.

    For a moment, she considered going back to the cellar. Maybe they would be able to locate the river from there. From then on, Eden knew she would be able to find the way back, even if Nick were in no state to do so.

    Glaring down at his balled fists, Nick answered her previous question frustratedly, "Not a clue." It was obvious he was angry at himself, angry he wasn't capable of doing just one thing right.

    When Eden noticed the blood dripping from his hand, she knelt down in front of the man. "Come on, stop that," she demanded but her voice remained soft when she grabbed his wrist to stop Nick from hurting himself further. Carefully, she opened his fist by straightening his fingers and looked at the damage. Because of his actions, the shards had digged deeper into his palm. Eden looked down at them, considering whether she should try to get the shards out — it must have been really painful for Nick, having them stuck inside his skin like that — or wait until they got back to the cabin to have Carlos take a look at it.

    Realizing that both of them had absolutely no idea how to actually get back and that it could take forever until they would, Eden decided to take out the shards.

    "What're you doin'?" Nick frowned when she leaned forward to get a better look at his palm.

    "I'm going to try to get out the glass," Eden answered. "This looks like it hurts."

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