"kissed him, now shh, he's sat next to me now,"

jackson's time on the stand didn't last long, he just confirmed what park and mark had said, adding his own story of how jaebeom had kidnapped him, which was news to mark. he had only heard the fight from where he was trying to stop park bleeding.

it sounded intense.

next up was bambam, who detailed how jaebeom was stabbing his leg, in such a way to cause bambam the most amount of pain as possible.

the jury were beginning to look at jaebeom disdainfully, whispering amongst themselves. it was obvious that yugyeom's side we're winning.

finally, jaebeom was called. he had tried to tell the truth, that yugyeom knew there was a bullet in the gun and had aimed for his heart and missed, but the other's lies were so tight and believeable that the lawyers and judge didn't believe him.

"lying in a court of law is punishable, mr lim," the judge had said, and jaebeom had let out a small scream.

"i'm not lying!"

but no-one believed him. mark could only imagine how frustrating it must've been, but he was a bad man, and he deserved bad things.

the whole time, park just looked forwards, eyes glazed over. he looked like he was regretting what he had done, which mark had been suspecting. of course one kiss wasn't enough to banish his love of jaebeom. but it had helped significantly at least.

by the time yugyeom was on the stand, there wasn't much left to say. of course, he had had a sign language translator, and he just had to confirm that jaebeom had been taunting him, and then that was it.

the jury had discussed the case for little over an hour before finally, a verdict was decided.

yugyeom would be let off with 30 hours of community service and jaebeom was sentenced to 14 months in prison for the kidnapping of bambam and jackson and the aiding of his own shooting.

it couldn't have gone better, and the smile that covered yugyeom's face was enough to make the guilt feel worth it.

yes, mark felt guilty.

overall, he was an honourable person, even if he had ditched his dying brother, he was generally nice and honest. so seeing jaebeom get 14 months in prison for getting his own leg shot made something within mark twist in uncomfortable guilt.

he had lied to let a potential murder set free. and yugyeom had shot that gun with the intent to kill, bambam had told him about the fire in yugyeom's eyes and the angry words he had said.

mark had let a real criminal walk away from prison simply because they were friends.

and sure, jaebeom was a shit person, but he deserved justice. everyone did.

but that was the court, it was too easy to lie. mark tried to tell himself it was a problem with the country and not him, but deep down he knew he had done something wrong.

still, bambam pulled him and park into a massive hug, his smile spreading from ear to ear.

"we did it!!" and he had never sounded so happy, "we really set him free!!"

yugyeom rushed over, tears in his eyes. and mark was sure that if he could speak he would have sobbed to them all, whispering his thanks and crying loudly.

but instead, he smiled in silence and signed: mark tell them thank you, and that they're the best friends ever.

mark translated and jackson wrapped an arm around yugyeom's shoulder, "we're glad to have you back gyeom,"

bambam had never nodded more, "i missed you so much,"

me too

the hug they shared was too cute, and mark felt his own eyes prick with tears. he really cared about them both, and after he had talked to yugyeom about his past, he knew just how much bambam meant to him. afterall, the guy was the only person he could talk to for months, until mark showed up.

"what now?" park asked, eyes trained on jaebeom who was being put in handcuffs, "what happens at wingate?"

"aren't you the man who's supposed to have all the answers?" jackson asked, "you tell us."

"the blues are gonna have our heads."

mark knew he was right. everyone at wingate was loyal to their leaders, almost to a fault. he knew that if park had been arrested due to the actions of the blues, the reds would not let it go quickly. so he could only assume the blues would act the same.

they were in for a treat, and a lot of threats to their lives.

bambam didn't look so sure, "but.. aren't they like yugyeom... d-don't they hate jaebeom?"

yugyeom shook his head sadly as jackson said, "no way. they fucking idolise him."

"well.. what do we do?" mark asked, his question met by several shrugs and worried stares.

park, however, had an answer, "we get jobs and w-"

"impossible. there's no way we're getting jobs,"

"let me speak, jackson. somehow, we find jobs. there's gotta be something. we save up enough money and we get out of there, the blues may hold this against us for as long as we live, wingate isn't safe anymore,"

"but.." and bambam looked like he was about to cry, "but it's our home.."

"not anymore." park didn't even spare bambam's sadness a thought, obviously the park from the kiss was long gone. he had been nervous and thoughtful, not this heartless being, "wingate is dangerous, and we need to be gone- understand?"

they all nodded, and even mark felt sad. he had liked wingate, even with all its flaws. he felt like he belonged there, no matter how dangerous or scary it was, or even how so many people there wanted to kill him.

it was place where he had found his friends, and he was sure it meant so much more to the others.

a tear dripped down bambam's face, "b-but until we get money.. w-what do we do?"

"we hope they don't kill us."

does it make anyone else laugh that mark and park rhyme?

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