Sunshine Plus Two?

Start from the beginning

"Well, how do you feel when you see a pretty girl?" Jin questioned which got me thinking "Um...I don't really notice the women" I looked back at Jin after looking at the ceiling to think "Ok, do you notice the men?" Jin questioned further "Well...Sometimes, but I think that's more to do with all my friends being gay" I shrugged "It could be, but do you think the boys are cute? Cute enough to want to be with them or have sex with them?" Jin asked casually, hearing the word sex made my cheeks hot "Hyung! You can't just say that!" I whisper-yelled and placed my hands on my cheeks to try and suffocate the burn

Jin shrugged and leaned back in his seat "I'm just asking...What's the answer?" Jin coaxed "Well...I mean...I haven't thought about it, I always look away from cute boys..." I looked down "Hobi, do you think you could be gay?" Jin leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table "I don't know...I thought I was straight at first then I thought I was Bi but now...I think I'm gay" I sounded defeated like this wasn't supposed to happen "It's not the end of the world" Jin reached out and rubbed my hand "Well...I don't think I would be gay if I wasn't around all of my gay friends- That doesn't mean I blame you guys!" I quickly tried to defend myself which caused Jin to laugh "Don't worry about that Hobi, that could very well be the case" Jin shrugged

Namjoon came over and plopped down beside Jin before pecking his cheek "Sorry I left, I forgot to finish up in the office before closing time" Namjoon smiled as he placed his arm over Jin's shoulder "No worries, Joonie. Hey, Hobi doesn't know if he's Bi or Gay, he thinks he's gay" Jin pointed to me as he spoke to Namjoon "Jin!" I whined and covered my face as Namjoon looked at me "Oh? Well, there's nothing wrong with it!" Namjoon attempted to make me feel less embarrassed but that just made it worse...

Suddenly, Jin gasped and slapped his hand over his mouth as his widened eyes looked to me, Namjoon looked at Jin in surprise then over to me as he waited for Jin to speak "I have the best idea ever!" Jin exclaimed "Oh no..." I mumbled under my breath as I prepared for Jin's idea "You should totally go out with YoungJae!!" Jin shouted which caused YoungJae to stop mopping and look over at the booth, I blushed deeply and sunk down in my seat "Jin, are you crazy!?" I whisper-yelled as I glanced to YoungJae and back at Jin "Hobi and YoungJae...?" Namjoon mumbled as he thought, he seemed to be on board with Jin's idea

"This will be perfect, Hobi! You get to go out on a date and see if you really are gay!" Jin chimed happily before looking over to YoungJae "Hey, YoungJae! Come over here!" Jin called to the boy who had stopped mopping and was standing there in confusion. Slowly, YoungJae leaned the mop on a table and walked over to the booth "Yeah?" YoungJae looked around the table, obviously noticing my embarrassed, slumped state "Hobi wants to take you out on a date, what do you say?" Jin spoke up quickly, eager to hook me and YoungJae up

As the words left Jin's lips I sunk down further in my seat and YoungJae's face turned red "U-um...I-I don't know" YoungJae rubbed the back of his neck as he stuttered "Oh come on! We're all adults here" Jin rolled his eyes and nudged Namjoon "Uh, yeah, why not give it a try?" Namjoon urged as he looked between me and YoungJae "Well...I'll have to think about it. Is that ok?" YoungJae bit his lip nervously "That's fine! Just let Hobi know by tomorrow, ok?" Jin giggled and clasped his hands together "Well, Namjoon and I are gonna go" Jin smiled as he pushed Namjoon out of the booth "Don't forget to lock up" Namjoon shouted to YoungJae as he and Jin left the building

I slowly turned my head to face YoungJae but he was too embarrassed to look back at me "I'm sorry about that...You don't...You don't have to go out with me" I mumbled and focused my gaze on the table "No...It's ok, I just...I wanna think about it" YoungJae turned to me and smiled softly which made me smile back "Ok... I'll see you tomorrow" I stood up from the booth and headed to the door "Bye..." YoungJae mumbled quietly

-(YoungJae's P.O.V)

After locking up the Cafe I headed out to the van parked out front and got inside, head down and silent as I recalled Jin asking me on a date for Hobi "Is everything ok?" JinYoung asked worriedly as he placed his hand on my shoulder, I nodded and lifted my head to look at him "Everything is fine..." I forced a smile, unsure of how I felt about being asked out by a boy "I can tell something happened, please tell me" JinYoung urged gently "Well..." I sighed "Hobi asked me out...What do I do? I'm not gay" I mumbled the last part as my voice trailed off "Oh shit, he asked you out?" JinYoung leaned back in his seat as he thought about this "You know what, we're gonna talk to Yugyeom about this and see what he says, I'm not too sure about dating one of the enemies" JinYoung repositioned himself in his seat before driving off

When we reached the warehouse Yugyeom was standing outside waiting for us, it was dark but with the lights of the van we could see him clearly as we pulled up "How was today?" Yugyeom asked as soon as my door opened "Well...It was pretty basic all day" I mumbled as I slid out of the car and walked beside JinYoung to stand in front of Yugyeom "We need to talk inside" JinYoung motioned to the warehouse as he spoke to Yugyeom who narrowed his eyes "Did you fuck up?" Yugyeom glared down at me which made me cower "It's not YoungJae, it's Hobi, Jungkook's friend" JinYoung spoke calmly

Yugyeom turned around and led us into the warehouse and into his office where we took seats in the swivel chairs placed in front of his desk "What did Hobi do?" Yugyeom asked sternly "Uh...Well, he asked me out..." I kept my gaze down to avoid eye contact so if Yugyeom started to yell I wouldn't be so tempted to cry "What?" Yugyeom sounded extremely surprised by this "Hobi asked YoungJae out, he doesn't know why" JinYoung spoke up and Yugyeom started to laugh which made me raise my head and look at him worriedly, was this the calm before the storm?

Yugyeom leaned back in his chair and calmed his laughter "Actually..." Yugyeom went back to his natural bitch face as he rubbed his chin in thought "This could be perfect" Yugyeom smirked evilly and looked at me "YoungJae. You will go out with Hobi and you will be his boyfriend, do you understand?" Yugyeom was stern and serious "What?!" I stood up, completely shocked "You heard me. You will become Hobi's boyfriend, it will eventually grant you access to all of our needs and wants" I looked completely helpless before Yugyeom and turned to JinYoung for help "I agree with Yugyeom, YoungJae. This could be very good for us, just imagine the information you will get if you could be with Hobi 24/7" JinYoung nodded, completely on board with Yugyeom plan "You two are unbelievable!" I shrieked "You will do it" Yugyeom growled which caused me to cower before him "Mm...Y-yes sir..." I avoided Yugyeom's gaze as JinYoung took my hand and guided me out of Yugyeom's office since we were dismissed

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