Chapter Twenty Six

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A/N: How did you guys like the last chapter? I promised from the beginning that I would make Calem different than most amourshipping stories make him out to be.

Also, this will be the last chapter on Book 1 before Book 2 begins, so expect some serious zero-one hundred content.

Serena / November 22nd

I still couldn't do it. It had been a few days since Calem broke up with me, but I had still been unable to confess to Ash how I really felt about him. It had either been the pure nervousness, or that I had no idea how to put it into words.

It was a Friday after school when Calem approached me again -- usually I walked home with Ash and Gary, but that stopped not long after I had begun dating Calem. "You still haven't talked to Ash?"

I shook my head. "I just don't know how to do it"

"Well, you could choose to be either straight forward with it, or you could do something a bit more special" Calem said. "Whatever you choose to do, I know that it'll go well"

You may have been wondering how school went between me and Ash after our argument on Sunday. Well, there wasn't much to say besides the fact that Ash would avoid talking to me, unless it was lunch or break time where we would hang out with our group of friends. Even then, we didn't say anything to each other.

As for our friends, they thought Calem and I were still dating, but understood why Ash and I weren't talking anymore.

When I finally decided that I would confront Ash, it was around six in the afternoon, about three hours after school had finished

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When I finally decided that I would confront Ash, it was around six in the afternoon, about three hours after school had finished. I walked across the street and knocked on the door, to which Gary answered.

"Oh, Serena. I didn't expect you" Gary said

"Is Ash here?" I asked

"So that's why you're here" Gary nodded. "The rest of us were wondering when you were finally going to tell Ash"

"What do you mean?"

"None of us really believed that you were still dating Calem; it was pretty obvious" Gary explained. "Ash should be up in his room, he doesn't really come out unless he's training or eating"

I nodded and walked inside; I had never really been in Ash's house for more than a couple of moments, so this would only be the second time going into his room -- that was, if he wanted me to. As I began my ascension up the steps, memories from the past couples of months flowed through my mind. All the drama between X and Y really led up to this moment, and there was no way I would have ever had seen it coming.

Once I reached the top step, Ash's room was the first door in front of it. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door; I had no idea wether it was just my nervousness making time slow down, or if Ash had hesitated in opening the door, but it didn't open until a couple of minutes later.

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