Chapter Eighteen

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Adventuring was a lot quieter than I thought it would be. Sure, it had been eventful so far, but there was no other sound besides Gary's humming and our footsteps. Ash looked like he was deeply thinking about something to himself, but I didn't feel like bothering him.

"I haven't ran that much in.... I don't think I've ever ran that much" Gary complained

"We only ran for about fifteen minutes total" I replied

"Exactly" He replied. "Point is, I could totally pass out right now"

"You mean like that guy right over there" Ash pointed to a middle-aged man passed out on a bench table in a park.

Across the table, papers were scattered, and so was a tablet; he was lucky that there was no wind. He wore a white lab coat, and had circular glasses on that had become titled from the position he was sleeping in.

"Looks like he was working on something pretty hard" I said

"I don't know about you guys, but I totally want to find out what" Gary said, jogging over to the table before we got the chance to stop him

"Classic Gary; can't mind his own business" Ash sighed

I giggled. It was part of the reason I liked Ash; he was brave, confident, charismatic, and also funny during the rights times. When he first got to Kalos, I wasn't sure about how I felt towards him, because sure, I had a crush on him in the past, but wether or not that would carry over to present time was something that only time could tell; time told, and I was sure I had a big crush on Ash.

"Hey, are you alright?" Gary shook the man's shoulder, and he suddenly jumped up

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"Hey, are you alright?" Gary shook the man's shoulder, and he suddenly jumped up.

"W-Who are you people?" He asked, his voice coming off as if he hadn't slept in days.

"We were just passing by and saw that you'd fallen asleep" I answered

"Sorry if we bothered you," Ash apologized, "but Gary here insisted that we find out what you were working on"

"No problem at all" He said. "I'm always reluctant to have a conversation on what I'm researching; have a seat"

He gathered up his papers into an organized pile, and the three of us sat across the table from him. Gary asked what he was researching; he responded that he was working on finding out what makes X and Y so powerful -- his name was Doctor Eckleburg, but we could call him Doc.

"Everyone wants to know, but no one bothers to try and find out" He explained

"That's what I'm saying!" Gary agreed. "We've met them a couple of times, heck, we just saw Y a few minutes ago"

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