Beyoncé, she smiled to herself, remembering how she'd simply crawled into her lover's bed, exhausted, and Beyoncé had only barely protested. Silently Onika bent her head toward her chest and lifted the shirt to her nose, sniffing the fabric. It smelled like floral scented fabric softener and Beyoncé. She smiled and pulled the covers back, sliding to the edge of the bed and setting her feet on the cold hardwood. Bending down, she picked up her scrub bottoms and pulled her phone from the right pocket, also feeling the cold metal inside of her keychain. She climbed back onto the bed and slipped underneath the covers once more, this time completely on Beyoncé's side of the bed.

Sliding her thumb across the touchscreen, she unlocked her phone and pulled up her text messages. She had two from Beyoncé.

Beyoncé: Since you came in exhausted, took kids out to library so it'd be quiet while you sleep. Be back around 1:30, if you're even awake yet.

Beyoncé: p.s. even tho it's sappy and I kinda hate myself for saying it, you do look beautiful when you sleep.

A grin broke out over Onika's face. Quickly she typed out a response.

Put the children down for an early nap when you get home and come to my bedroom, if you'd like.

Hurriedly Onika crawled out of bed again, and unable to resist the urge, made the bed. Gathering her belongings, she quickly headed to her bedroom, closing the door, but leaving it unlocked, and then stripped out of her clothes, dropping all into the dirty clothes hamper. The clock read 1:25pm and the older woman hoped she could time a shower just right to have Beyoncé entering her bedroom as she was picking out an outfit for the rest of the day, standing in only a thin robe.


The young brunette tapped her knuckles lightly on the closed bedroom door, waiting for a few seconds, but Onika did not respond. Quietly she gripped the cold metal doorknob and slowly turned it, finding it, as expected, unlocked. Peeking her head through the partially opened door, she quietly called out the older woman's name.

"In here!" Onika called back from the walk in closet.

Beyoncé swallowed nervously, immediately knowing she was about to find the black haired woman in some state of undress. Despite having already felt each other's bodies skin on skin, Beyoncé was still apprehensive about seeing her this way. She took a tentative step toward the source of Onika's voice when suddenly Onika's head popped around the door frame.

"I'm having trouble deciding what to wear the rest of the day. Come help me?"

"Um, just wear something comfortable?" the brunette suggested, frozen in place.

Onika frowned, replying, "Despite what you think, the clothes I wear on a daily basis do feel comfortable," and then added, "At least they are to me."

"Okay, then wear something 'casual,' like yoga pants and a shirt. You've had a rough rotation, so you should relax," Beyoncé advised.

The older woman smirked and stepped out of the closet completely.

Beyoncé swallowed nervously as she took in Onika's attire - a black, mid-thigh length silk robe that hung open on her thin, but curvaceous frame, revealing lacy black boyshort panties and a matching black bra.

Onika's tongue flicked out to wet her lips. "I can think of another way to relax, Beyoncé."

"Wow, you," the brunette stammered.

"Do you like what you see?"

Speechless, Beyoncé nodded, blushing a little.

"As the children are napping, I estimate we have at least an hour," Onika replied, stepping forward toward to wrap her arms around Beyoncé's waist, pressing her body against the young brunette's.

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