Isabelle's POV

"This project contains 55% of our expenses, will that be enough for the following 6 months?" Mr Serpano asked Damian.

"We will look at the total amount first. There's still one partner left who we're contacting this weekend, so the definite number will be set and announced next week." Damian stated. 

"For now we can only base our decisions on predictions, which I trust our predictive analytics with." he continued. Serpano nodded. 

"Looks like we've discussed everything in today's program, good work." Serpano said dismissing everyone, to which the majority started leaving the room except for Damian, Helen, Mr Serpano and a few of his people. 

"I have to say, something definitely changed." Serpano mentioned all of a sudden. 

"What exactly are you implying Mr Serpano?" Damian asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"The document, I like the consistency and the points made, everything looks squeaky clean. However, I know your work Mr Romano and this is not your work." Serpano said with a growing smirk while wiping his sweat away with a tissue.

"I instructed Miss Alverez to do the job, something wrong with that?" Damian stated impatiently and annoyed. 

"Oh, Miss Alverez, you definitely took me by surprise here. The looks, the brains, quite the catch you are for this company." he said now looking at me. It did make me feel happy and proud of course, but something about Serpano's remarks or compliments and the way he said it always made me shiver in a very uncomfortable way.

"Thank you." I said smiling awkwardly. 

"You're very welcome. You see, Mr Romano never entrusted  such big deals to anyone but himself. Seems like you're an exception."  Serpano spoke, the smirk never leaving his face. I chuckled a little bit to lighten up the mood, meanwhile I heard Damian clearing his throat. 

"I'm sure my predecessor did a good job as well." I said smiling. 

"Predecessor?" Serpano asked curiously.

For a second I didn't understand what he was implying, but the moment I looked at Damian, I think I got it. Serpano then turned to Damian and chuckled. "Mr Romano never had anyone work on this deal before, other than himself. Of course no one could ever do a better job than him. But it seems he finally found someone he can trust." 

"Thank you, Mr Serpano." Damian quickly shut him up. "I think we're done for today. We will see each other next week and discuss further plans." he said as he stood up to walk away.

"Right, we'll be waiting for your call, Mr Romano." Mr Serpano nodded and stood up as well. He was still smirking slyly as he left with his men following neatly behind him. Of course I knew Nate's eyes were constantly piercing through me, but I felt extremely proud of myself for being able to ignore him all this time. It seemed like something definitely irked him, maybe the fact that I got praised. Or maybe that I successfully ignored him? Either way, serves him right. 

Once I was alone with Damian I recalled what Mr Serpano mentioned. 

"Sooo, no one was fired? I mean, I thought someone else was working on it already and got fired." I asked him,  fidgeting nervously. 

Silence. It just seemed strange to me, why would he lie to everyone saying there was someone else working on this part? And most importantly, why would he give me the responsibility to take over HIS work?

"Anyway, it's an honor to me, I want to thank you for trusting me and giving me this opportunity." I said smiling. Yet again I was met with his silence, which I'm already used to, it didn't even feel awkward to me anymore. I finally stood up and walked toward the door. 

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