chapter 11

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Katsuki p.o.v  

we went back to the cabin and decided we would attack tonight as soon as the sun was going down, 

"so what is the plan for tonight" alex asks 

"i think we should split up in two teams, team one distract the badguys who are in there and team two goes looking for deku, kirishima and kaminari" i suggest "how does that sound?"

"sound like a plan" alex says 

 "i want to go look for my son" hisashi said "i think it is best if you go mith me to distract the guards while alex and katsuki go look for the boys " aizawa said "why can't i look for my son, he is my son" hisashi said iriitated "so is deku"i said "tch" then he looked away 

"hisashi, we have more fighting experience so if we can distract the gaurd we have a higher chance of getting them out"

"fine" hisashi said while rolling his eyes 

"let's pack everything we need and get some rest after that tonight we are getiing them out." aizawa said 

"yeah" we all said 

back to kirishima, deku and kaminari 

kirishima p.o.v 

it had been a few hours after stain had beat deku, he told me he was fine but somehow i knew he was lying. how could he been fine after all that.  right now he was resting on kaminari's lap. kaminari kind of ordered him to rest and he did it right away the kid is pretty cute but can be scary when he is mad.  i hope katsuki comes soon. 

kaminari p.o.v

deku was finally resting a bit he had'nt slept in all this time i have been here so i ordered him to get some rest, he did'nt complain once. he had his head down on my lap and i was stroking his hair while he was sleeping. then i saw he had tears streaming down his face then i heard some word "no" ..."dont"..."stop"... "don't kill them"  he was having a nightmare. i tried waking him up but it did'nt work. kirishima came to us "what is happening" he asked "he is having a nightmare, i tried to wake him but he wo'nt wake up" i said worried  

kirishima also tries to wake deku up suddenly he sit up in a instant he looks around with a scared look on his face like he does'nt know where he is, kirishima put his hand on deku shoulder but deku slapped it away "don't touch me" he said i flinch "wow calm down deku it's me kirishima" he tries to approach deku but deku backs away in a conner of the cell and pulls his legs up to his chest. he looks so scared. kirishima and i look at each other "we need to help him" we both thought next i try to approach him,  kirishima watches but is ready to jump in if something goes wrong "deku it's me kaminari do you remember " i say he looks up a little tears still falling down "can i come to you" he hesistates but then nods a little i go to him slowly and sit down beside him and pulled him to me into a hug, he flinched a little but soon he relaxes and hugged back. i looked at kirishima and nodded at him that everything was okay.

kirishima sat beside deku on the other side "do you want to talk about what happend" kirishima asked deku shaked is head "not right now" he said as he let go of me "but thanks for calming me down" he said as he looked at me.  "well you protected me so i do the same for you big brother" i say with a big smile. he ruffles his hand trough my hair. "you're right about that little brother" he says wit a real smile this time. 

back to katsuki, alex , aizawa and  hisashi 

katsuki p.o.v 

it was almost time to go we made our plan got some rest and were no waithing until aizawa gave us the signal to go. 

"okay everyone knows the plan" aizawa asked while looking at all of us  we all nodded. 

"good then let's go rescue our boys"

"yeah we all said"


finally the rescue mission is starting 

but will everything go acording to plan? 

and will they all survive this? 

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