chapter 9

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katsuki p.o.v 

the next two days went by in a flash today was the day hisashi would come so we could make a plan to get kirishima and deku back. my wound has been healing good the pain is almost gone. 

there was a knock on the door, aizawa walked to the door and let hisashi in. me and alex were sitting in the kitchen around the table. the first thing i did when he want in was punching him in the face hisashi fell to the ground he looked up at me "what was that for" he said while holding his hand on his face.  i looked at him with a pissed off face "that was for deku" i said then i turned around and sat back down in my chair.  hisashi stood up and walked with aizawa to the table and sat down. 

"who are these kids and who is deku? "hisashi asks us all 

this only pissed me of more " bastard deku is you're son izuku who you left rotting with the bastard who kidnapped him" i say pissed but calm 

he looked at me in shock but then turned around "the one who punched you is katsuki bakugou, izuku's childhoodfriend the other one is alex he had been locked up witk izuku but escaped" aizawa said 

"so you know where they are then" hisashi asks alex "no because when i escaped the moved to a different place, i think they were scared that i would tell somebody where they were" alex answers 

"so we don't know where they are then how are we gonna find my son" hisashi said  "so know you care about deku a little late don't you think" i said 

"ow no i don't mean deku he can die for all i care i meant kaminari my son" hisashi said. now i was really pissed of i wanted to punch the guy but alex held me down  "hisashi shut up thank to them we have a lead as of where they could be" aizawa said 

he looked at us  "how"

"deku left a message for me told me to go the a cabin in the woods because he had left me something there, there we met the guys who are helding deku captive they also kidnapped another friend of mine who was helping us with the search"

"so where was this place" "its a cabin in the woods" i say 

"so what's the plan then" alex ask  "i think we need to go back to the cabin to find some clues at wich way they could have gone" i say 

they all nodded so we went pack some things we might needed and headed to the car to go back to the cabin. 

the ride wasn't long after we arrived we started searching around. i walk away from the cabin looking for tracks in wich way the could have gone after i walked futher i saw something shining between the leaves i walked to it and picked it up. it was a mobile but not just any mobile it was kirishima mobile. i look up at the road and a little further up ahead there were tire tracks.  i walked al little back and yelled "GUYS OVER HERE"  

they walked up to me and i showed them the tire tracks. "so what do we do now" alex ask 

"well thats Obvious we follow it" hisashi and i said  we turned around only to glare at each other. 

"well lets go then" aizawa said 

we followed the road "so what do we do if we find them, i don't expect that we will get them back that easy". i ask 

"shhh do you hear that" aizawa said. we all turned around to listen, "that looks like the sound of a car, we need to hide now" i say. we all went to hide between the threes and indeed there was a car coming i looked around the three to see if i could recognize anyone in the car. the car was pretty fast so it was difficult to see but the man in the front seat looked like the guy we met in the woods at the cabin.  the car drove further down the road, we came out of hiding "that was him that was stain the guy we met in the woods"i said to them "are you sure" aizawa asked me "yeah pretty sure"

"okay lets go after that car then, we all went back to our car ast fast as we could,  than we drove after stains car. we followed them for half hour they kept driving further into the woods "where are they going" alex says 

"wait there slowing down, lets stop the car here and walk the rest then they won't notice us"

we all got out of the car and walked the rest of the road soon we saw the stains car parked in front of what looked  like a really old building, we hide ourselfs behide the trees. 

stain got out of the car and walked to the side of the building, he walk through the door what looked like a basement. "is that where they are keeping them" i ask "i think so" aizawa says 

"then what are we still doing here let's get my son back" hisashi says "we can't dumbass we don't know how many of them there are, we need a plan" i say  "okay fine what is the plan" he says 

"not here we need to go back to the cabin here we can easly get caught" aizawa says. "you want to go back to the  cabin while my son is in there" hishasi said "oi bastard sons both of them are in there also my bestfriend is probably there, so you"re not the only one whos wants to go in there now but aizawa is right we need a plan so let's go back to the cabin" i say he looks me in the eyes "fine" he says 

we stand up and turned to the old building. 

"hang on guys we are almost there"   i wisper      

and with that we walked away back to the cabin to make a plan to get them out. 


they finally found the place where deku, kirishima and kaminari are being held 

but will the succeed in getiing them out 

find out in the next chapter of missing           

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