chapter 21 (s2)

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deku p.o.v

the next 2 days flew by and now i get to go home, i was waithing for kacchan to pick me up. the doctor came by this morning and told me to take it easy for the next weekend and also gave me some medication for the pain.

i heard the door being openend and looked up, kacchan walked inside "hey ready to go home" he asked. "oh yeah i was getting sick of lying here and doing nothing" i say with a chuckle

katsuki grabs my back and we walk to the reception to sign my release papers after that we walk outside the door i stop walking and just look at the sky it's been a long time since

i've seen the blue sky. i look back and katsuki and see that he also stoppep walking "you okay" he aks "yeah just been a long time since i was outside i wonder how much has changed"

he walks back to me and grabs my hand "come on lets go home and get you settled in tomorrow we can go out and i'll show you everything" he says with a smile. i sqeeze his hand and

give him a smile back "yeah sounds like a plan"  we gt out of the hospital en went to his car. 

the drive home was not that long, we got out of the car and went into the house 

suddenly the lights went on 

"welcome home izuku!!!!!!"

everyone was here my uncle shouta with my little brother kaminari and my two friends kirishima and touya. "thanks guys its really good to be home again" i teared up a little, kaminari ran up to me and jumped into my arms ï'm really glad you are okay, i missed you big brother"

i hugged him back "i'm missed you to little bro from now on we are always gonna be together and maybe if shouta and katsuki are okay with it we cab move your stuff in here tomorrow" he looked at me with a hopeful look "really" he said "yeah but you have to ask shouta and katsuki if its okay with them" he turned around to look at shouta "is it okay can we move my stuff tomorrow?"  

"yeah sure but only if katsuki is okay with it, it is his house after all" shouta said  "i dont mind if you want you can even sleep over tonight i think deku wil also like that wont you" katsuki said 

"yeah i would love that" i said "alright that's settled then lets eat some cake" kirishima said and we all laughed. 

the night flew by and before we knew it it was the next day and we were going to move kaminari stuff into the house. 

the next day 

we went early to get kaminari's stuff it wasn't a lot since he already lived with shouta but maybe we could go shopping for some things later in the day "do you have everything" i asked "yeah i'm al set" he said with a big smile "alright then lets get evrything in the car and off we go" we picked up his stuff and put it in the car and went back to the house  and took his stuff to his room, the room was painted yellow i think katsuki did that as soon we knew that kaminari could live with us, there was a small bed in the midlle and a closet in the conner "you can decrorate is hoeever you like we can even do some shopping later in the day this is your room now, i hope you like the colour". 

"yeah yellow is my favorite colour, thank you also can you help me unpack my stuff". 

"yeah sure" katsuki and i said 

the rest of the day we decorated his room, did some shopping and went out to day from this day we started a new life with the 3 of us. 

but only if we had noticed sooner what kind danger was coming our way. 


ow what a cliffhanger see you in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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