chapter 10

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deku p.o.v 

its been 2 days since todoroki came to torture me, in those days kirishima had told me how alex came to them, how they found my message and went to the cabin, how they met stain, how katsuki and alex escaped and he didn't. i also told them about my dad, what he did, and why i am here. 

right now kaminari and kirishima were sleeping, kaminari had a nightmare so he did'nt get much sleep last night. luckely i managed to calm him down a bit. i still could'nt sleep. i told kirishima it was because of the pain but in truth it were the nightmares who kept me awake, but they did'nt need to know that. i tried to sit up when siddenly a wave of pain came over me. i lifted my shirt up and took a look at the wound on my side, "crap, its getting infected" i wisperd to myself  "hey you okay" i put my shirt down and looked up and saw that kirishima was awake. 

"yeah i'm okay, how about you did you sleep well" i said to him, "no not really i miss my own bed" he said  just then the door openend, there was a guy who shoved a tray of food inside and he immiadiatly left again "kaminari wake up" i shook kaminari awake "there's food" kaminari  stood up to get the food and came back and sat beside me. there wasn't much food so we slit it in three but kirishima and i both agreed that kaminari gets the biggest one since he is still growing. i tried to eat but i could'nt keep it in i hurried to the corner of the cell and pucked. 

kirishima and kaminar both came running after me kirishima held my hair while kaminari draws circles with his fingers on my back. after my stomach had calmed down a little i stood back up an started walking back but i was getting a little dizzy so i almost fell when kirishima caught me just in time "you okay" he asked with a worried face "yeah just a little dizzy nothing to worry about" i said kirishima  put my arm around his neck and helped me to the back of the cell kaminari. just when i sat down the door openend again, this time walking in was stain. 

"what do you want stain?" stain did'nt say any thing instaed he walked up to me and picked me up by my throat and punched me in the gut "ugh"  i fell to the ground holding my stomach i wanted to puke but i already had done that earlier so nothing came out. 

 "deku!!!!" both kaminari and kirishima stood up and wanted to help me "NO stay back, don't come near here" they both froze and looked at me with worried faces "but de--" kaminari begun  stain turned around and shot them both a glare "i would listen to you're friend here of you don't want to get hurt that is" they both backed of scared 

he then turned to me again  i shot him a glare. "guess what i found"  he said, "you're pet dog" i said sarcastic witch got me around kick in the gut "i just saw 4 people snooping outside and guess who they were" he said. ow i don't know since i haven't been in contact with people for 5 years" i said to him "ow we both know that is a lie after all you are the one who helped alex escap" i look at him shocked "ow did you think we did'nt know we had eyes watching you everywhere afteral we could'nt lose you but now i'm not so sure" he sain smiling "what do you mean"  is said 

"well we heave someone who intrest us more afteral he was the one who started al this" he said 

"wait you don't mean? 

"yes i do he is one of the four i just saw outside" stain started grinning 

"my dad but, no he would'nt come here he left me and my mom when i was small so why would he come now, he didn't care before so why would he care now" i started wondering 

"ow but you're forgetting one thing you're not his only son here" he said as he turned around and walked to kaminari. kirishima stepped in front of kaminari. kirishima got punched in the face and fell passed out on the ground. stain grabbed kaminari by his wrist "let him go stain, he has nothing to do with this" i said as i stood up  but stain did'nt listen that only got me angrier and i dashed to stains to kick him in the back so he would let go of kaminari. stain fell to the ground but soon he stood back up.  i held kaminari close to my chest not letting stain get to him, he shot a glare at me "you've got some balls kid well i'll let it slide for now since i need him alive. with that he turned around and walked away 

after he left i let go of kaminari and fell to the ground my hole body was in pain "deku! are you okay" kaminari said i nodded "what about you"  i asked "i'm okay just scared" and with that the tears started streaming down his face, i pulled him into a hug "shhh its okay i won't let him hurt you okay i will always protect you " he hugged me back while crying in my chest. after a while kaminari had fallen asleep while hugging me and i just let him, i looked at kirishima who was waking up" "ough my head" he said 

"you okay" "yeah" he said "but did you hear what he just said" 

"yeah four people outside wich means they found us, it won't take long now before we will get out of here" i said with a small smile of my face 

finally after 5 years  i will see you soon my friend  i thougth 


now they know there rescue is here but will everything go well and wil they get out or will they all fail 

find out on the next chapter if 


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