chapter 3

678 18 3

Next day

Kirishima p.o.v

I woke up early, Katsuki and Alex were still asleep. I went downstairs and started making breakfast, yesterday we went to the basement in the warehouse and found a message from deku to katsuki and apperently me. I'm still wondering how deku knew about me, deku dissapeared 5 years ago i met katsuki 2 years ago. There is no way he could have known.

Katsuki p.o.v

I woke up because something sneller really good, i look Around the room and see Alex still asleep and kirishima is not here. I stood up, took a shower, got dressed and went downstairs.

" morning" i said kirishima didn't respond i walked to him slowly  "boo"
"WHAAA!!! What the hell bro" kirishima turned around "you scared me" he says still a bit shaken "haha it's  you're own fault for spacing out, what were you thinking about?"

"About the message deku left us and how he knew about me". He says " yeah that's something i Don't know eather.

That was kind of weird how did deku know about kirishima?

Then i heard the stairs looks like Alex is awake to.

Alex came down stairs "morning guys smells good in here"  "sit down lets eat breakfast" kirishima says

We sat down and started eating " so what's the plan today" Alex asks " were going to the cabin to look for whatever deku has left us" i say

After breakfast we packed our things and headed out to the cabin. It was not far from here. Deku and i used to play there it was our secret spot.

We arrived at the Woods "wich way now" kirishima asks I looked Around and saw a tree with a red ribbon on it "this way" i say  of was deku's idea to leave a ribbon so we could easily find the cabin. not long after  we arrived at the cabin " well this looks Nice" Alex says with a sarcastic tone.

" it may not look as much but for deku and me it was the best place ever" i say  we walk inside and start to look around 

We split up Alex went to the bedroom, kirishima went to the livingroom and i went upstairs. there was a room at the end of the hall,  in the room there was a desk on the desk was a small box. The box was locked there were two keyholes. I went back to the stairs and shouted " GUYS GET YOU'RE ASSES UP HERE" i went back to the room not long after Alex and kirishima shower up " what's up" Alex asks "

"Take a look at this" i showed then the box " what's this" asks kirishima
" this was our treasure box we always kept our most precious in this, i think he put of in here whatever he had for us" i tell them " so where do we find the keys" kirishima says  "I already have the keys i take out the keus from my pocket  and unlock the box.

Inside the box there were pictures and a letter and something like a small diary, i take the letter out and start reading it

Dear kacchan,

If you are reading this letter of means you found my message in the warehouse. I'm really happy about that, you may be wondering why i sent you here well i can 't tell you everything yet what i can tell you is that i found out that my dad is still alive

"wait what, i tought he died years  ago" I say confused. I went back to reading

I bet you're very confused right now believe me i was too

I roll my eyes still the same as ever

I Don't know where he is i was looking for him in the 2 years i escaped from that place.  I know what you're thinking right know why Didn't i come to you well because they were watching me if i went to you i would put you in danger and i Didn't want that

But lets put that aside for now inside the box there are pictures of the guys who are holding me i need you to find a guy named aizawa shota and give him the pictures he will know what to do with them. You can trust him he will help you. I hope i was you guys soon i miss you


Ps: there is also a diary in the box in the 2 years i was free i wrote some things in there, thought that may be you would want to read that.

Also kirishima you should really dye you're hair back to red you looked really handsome back then

I looked up and saw kirishima blushing.  I started laughing that made him blush even more

After we stopt laughing i picked up the diary en started reading

Diary deku p. o.v

5 day after escape

Finally found him  it cost me a lot of time  katsuki he grew up he looked so handsome there was a kid next to him with Sharp teeth and red hear they were laughing. I'm so happy he found a  friend I really want to meet that guy some day

So thats how he knew about kirishima he was watching us.

Suddenly i hear a strange noise



What is that noise and will they find aizawa like deku asked them to
find out in the next chapter of changed

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